Adam Mann

Adam is a professional freelance writer and animal enthusiast who has rescued countless animals throughout the years. He's been a freelance writer for ten years and has been rescuing animals for even longer! Adam is also a proud father of three kids and is always up for a challenge and adventure!

The Parent Breeds of the Soft Coated Golden

Soft Coated Golden (Wheaten Terrier Golden Retriever Mix): Info, Pictures, Traits & More

Mixed breeds are all the rage, and the more you learn about them, the easier it is to see why. The Soft Coated Golden is a dog breed that combines the Wheaten Terrier and the Golden Retriever, and with so many great core traits to pull from, it’s no wonder why they’re becoming so popular. With […]

Soft Coated Golden (Wheaten Terrier Golden Retriever Mix): Info, Pictures, Traits & More Read More »

Can Dogs Eat Purple Sweet Potatoes

Can Dogs Eat Purple Sweet Potatoes? Vet-Verified Facts & Alternatives

Purple sweet potatoes are a delicious treat for us, and when we’re chowing down on them, it’s common for our pups to start begging for some. But if your dog wants some purple sweet potatoes, should you feed them to your dog? The truth is that purple sweet potatoes have some great nutritional benefits for

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Whippet vs. Greyhound

Whippet vs. Greyhound: The Differences (With Pictures)

While the Whippet and the Greyhound might look similar, they’re two distinct breeds with different personalities and physical traits. They’re both high-energy pups that want tons of love and attention, and they make great companions overall. But how do they differ from each other, and which one is better for you? We’ve answered both those

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whipador or labrador whippet mixed breed dog on blue background

Whipador (Whippet & Lab Mix): Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More

A cross between the Whippet and a Labrador Retriever, few mixes present such a unique appearance and mixture of two completely different breeds. Still, while they might be different in quite a few ways, they make a great combination when you bring them together! The Whipador is a cross between the Whippet and the Labrador

Whipador (Whippet & Lab Mix): Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More Read More »

Parent Breeds of Rhodesian Ridgeback Golden Retriever Mix

Rhodesian Ridgeback Golden Retriever Mix: Info, Pictures, Temperament & Traits

Mixed breeds are taking over the dog-loving world, and one mixed breed that you’ll want to take note of is the Rhodesian Ridgeback Golden Retriever mix. While they might not be the most popular mixed breed out there, they come with a ton of perks that make them well worth checking out! Both the Rhodesian

Rhodesian Ridgeback Golden Retriever Mix: Info, Pictures, Temperament & Traits Read More »

Bull Terrier vs Mini Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier vs Mini Bull Terrier: Main Differences (With Pictures)

While the Bull Terrier and Mini Bull Terrier might seem like identical breeds, the truth is that they differ in quite a few ways. Of course, there’s a notable difference in size, but did you know that they’re two completely different breeds and even have different personalities? There’s a lot of information to sift through,

Bull Terrier vs Mini Bull Terrier: Main Differences (With Pictures) Read More »

Can Dogs Eat Mac and Cheese

Can Dogs Eat Mac and Cheese? Vet-Reviewed Nutrition Facts & Safety Guide

When you’re sitting at the kitchen table, it’s a common sight to have your dog giving you puppy eyes, begging for food. But just because they want something doesn’t mean you should give it to them. That’s the case with mac and cheese. But can dogs eat mac and cheese? While mac and cheese isn’t

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service guide dog is helping a blind man in the city

International Guide Dog Day 2024: When It Is & How It’s Celebrated

While there might be a dedicated day for everything now, that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth celebrating! One of the most meaningful and often overlooked days out there is International Guide Dog Day, which is celebrated on the last Wednesday of April every year. Guide dogs completely transform the lives of their owners, and not

International Guide Dog Day 2024: When It Is & How It’s Celebrated Read More »

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