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You’ve heard the rumors about small dogs, including potty training nightmares, little dog syndrome, and frequent barking. So, you might be a little hesitant to own one. After all, are there any well-behaved smaller dogs?
Every dog has a different personality, so when it comes to specifics, it’s hard to tell how any dog, regardless of their size, will behave. However, some breeds have traits that make them more receptive to obedience training.
Here are some of the small breeds that have a reputation for being well-behaved or easy to train, but remember that proper training is key to good dog behavior.
The 12 Best-Behaved Small Dog Breeds
1. Chinese Crested
The Chinese Crested can be hairless or have a “powderpuff coat” with silk fur. Hairless varieties have tufts of hair on their ankles, heads, and tails, and they don’t have the typical doggy odor. They are incredibly lovable and playful, and they form strong bonds with their owners.
They get along well with children and other pets, but due to their small frames and sensitive skin, they must be supervised when interacting with young kids. They can become friends with cats, but you must keep your cats’ nails trimmed to prevent them from damaging the Chinese Crested’s skin.
They are intelligent canines who usually enjoy training, but they have trouble spending long periods away from their owners. They’re ideal for families, singles, and elderly owners since they don’t need much exercise and are easy to handle.
2. Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a popular dog because they have a great personality and are generally pretty easy to train. They usually find a friend wherever they go and love to be the center of attention.
This is undoubtedly a dog you pamper! Bichon Frises enjoy trips to the groomer, dog park, and anywhere else they can entertain themselves or feel spoiled. They cheerfully approach life with a glass-half-full mentality.
The Bichon cares very much about what their owner thinks. Some have more boisterous personalities than others, but they are still pretty well-behaved overall.
However, like many other small breeds, Bichons are prone to separation anxiety. So, it’s important not to leave them alone for too long, crate-train them for when you need to be gone for extended periods, or have someone check in on them and give them plenty of things to keep them busy during the day.
3. Bolognese
The tiny Bolognese is a wonderful dog who loves people and other pets. They are spunky little dogs that have curious minds and laidback spirits. They love going on adventures like car rides, dog park excursions, and other public outings with their families.
They are friendly but quieter than most small breeds. They don’t need to be the direct center of attention and are content in a quiet home or low-energy setting. The Bolognese is also hypoallergenic and may be suitable for those with mild allergies. They will need daily brushing, but they are otherwise low-maintenance regarding grooming. Like many dogs, Bolognese are prone to separation anxiety. They love the time spent with their people and don’t care to be alone much.
4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a face as sweet as their demeanor. They want nothing more than to snuggle up on their human’s lap or be carried around like a baby. Because they are so gentle and affectionate, they want to spend time with their owners consistently. They don’t have issues with destructiveness or other poor behaviors and are generally pretty relaxed in the household.
Many owners love Cavalier King Charles Spaniels because they are very patient and terrific with people and pets of all ages. However, they are a hyper-dependent breed. They needs a constant companion or another, more independent dog to follow around.
5. Havanese
The cheerful, bubbly little Havanese is truly a people-obsessed dog that will devote their life to making their owner happy. They were designed to be companion animals. They are known for being eager to please and well-behaved.
Havanese can come in a variety of colors, but they share the same long, silky coats that make them adorable. They are hypoallergenic and don’t shed much. They don’t bark as much as some small dogs unless you get them excited or spooked.
Plus, they are gentle, docile, and friendly with just about everyone, making them perfect for any growing families with children of all ages. They love being pampered and cared for, so they are ideal for pet parents who want to spoil their pups.
However, Havanese want to be with their people all the time. They can develop separation anxiety easily if they are left alone too often. They are much more suitable for families that can be home with them or take them on the go.
6. Lhasa Apso
The funny little Lhasa Apso is a tiny little pup with adorable features. They are known for being wonderful little pets for folks who love the company. They are very chipper, playful, and affectionate with their owners.
Lhasa Apsos are also incredibly intelligent. They will impress you with their ability to learn new information and perform various tricks. As far as small dogs are concerned, they are okay on their own. They don’t require constant supervision, and they can relax at the house while you’re at work without much fuss.
The Lhasa Apso certainly has a downside—they are notoriously difficult to potty train. Because are a little more independent than some other small dogs, it can prove to be challenging for some owners. Crate training can help with potty training since most dogs don’t like to use the bathroom where they also sleep.
7. Maltese
The Maltese is a lap dog that loves to be spoiled! They will follow you wherever you go, constantly glued to your hip. If you’re looking for a constant companion, they will never disappoint. Maltese dogs work amazingly well for emotional support. If you or someone in your home wants a hypoallergenic, cheerful pup who can brighten the darkest days, the Maltese will certainly fit the job.
They will love morning walks, car rides, and dog park adventures. So, prepare for a best friend who wants to be a part of everything. While the Maltese can be a terrific pup, they require a lot of socialization. If they aren’t introduced at an early age, they can become a little timid and even intolerant toward small children or boisterous dogs.
8. Pekingese
The charming little Pekingese is a very well-mannered dog. However, they have a larger-than-life personality and will fiercely charge into any situation assertively. Pekingese require frequent grooming since they have thick, long coats. You can also give them adorable haircuts to try out different looks. They are fun companions to take out for a pampering session.
These pups are not known for being destructive, and they don’t usually have major anxiety issues. Their outgoing personality makes them very independent. So, even though they love time with their owners, they don’t mind taking on the world for a few hours while you’re at work.
The Pekingese can be a little bit yappy! Since they notice just about anything and everything that moves around them, they will alert the whole house. So, if you’re not a fan of barking, this vocal little breed might not be suitable for you.
9. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is one of the happiest breeds of all. They greet everyone with a smiling face and a wiggling butt. They are simply adorable, and almost any canine lover would agree. In addition to their cheerful personalities and adorable appearance, Corgis are also pretty well-behaved. They are incredibly intelligent and capable of picking up just about any concept you’re willing to teach them.
They get along great with people and pets of all shapes and sizes. However, they shed quite a lot, so if you aren’t diligent about brushing, they might leave tufts of hair all around. The Corgi is a very headstrong dog, so they can be hard to convince sometimes.
They might also exhibit destructiveness when they are alone for long periods of time. A Corgi without the appropriate amount of exercise will chew and tear up your belongings, so it’s best to only get this dog if they have appropriate outlets for physical and mental stimulation.
10. Pug
If you’ve ever met a Pug, you know how happy and cheerful they are! They know how to make a friend and typically get along with anyone and anything they encounter. Pugs can also make good guard dogs since they are not afraid to alert you when they hear any rustling.
Pugs Although they aren’t among the top 10 most intelligent dog breeds, they’re capable of learning a variety of concepts. Training should be a breeze because of their willingness to please and food motivation.
Pugs can be a little tricky to potty train. With enough guidance, they can certainly get the job done, but they do best with a larger, more assertive dog around that they can follow. Due to their facial structure, Pugs are also prone to more health conditions and breathing problems, so it’s important that you don’t over-exercise them.
11. Shih Tzu
There’s more to meets the eye with a Shih Tzu. Not only are they adorable, but you can also give them so many hairstyles to give them their own sense of style. The Shih Tzu is notorious for being very outgoing, loyal, and a friend to all.
In addition to being easygoing, they are also highly intelligent and clever. Because they love pleasing their owners so much, they will definitely be receptive to most types of training and even excel at it.
The Shih Tzu is known for being a lap dog, and they will also follow you to the bathroom, hang out with you during your downtime, and always offer the best company. The Shih Tzu can sometimes be stubborn and difficult to train. Once they give in and learn the ropes, they are generally very well-behaved, but some might need more convincing than others.
12. Skye Terrier
As far as terriers are concerned, the Skye Terrier is an amazingly well-behaved little dog. They are very relaxed and good-natured. Although they look similar to the Cairn Terrier, they don’t share the same bold, spicy temperament.
However, many owners love that the Skye Terrier can maintain independence without being totally reliant on their people. They will love snuggling up with you and going on walks, but they can also occupy themselves most of the time.
They are known for being very sweet, affectionate, and playful. They make excellent pets for growing families, retired couples, and apartment dwellers. However, these dominant little dogs might boss around the family cat or injure smaller pets by trying to “play” with them. Most terriers were bred to be ratting dogs, so they don’t see small pets as pets but rather as prey. So make sure to never let your small pet out of the cage when a Skye Terrier is around.
Least Behaved Small Dogs
Any dog can be a good pet if they are socialized and trained properly. However, some dogs can be more challenging than others. What are some small breeds that have a reputation for being feisty, harder to train, and less well-behaved?
1. Affenpinscher
DaMoJo, Shutterstock
The Affenpinscher is certainly a dog that you don’t see every day. This scruffy, bearded, brachycephalic dog will certainly get lots of attention. However, this tiny little guy has a big personality, too!
They are incredibly brave and sometimes challenging to train. Affenpinschers are also rascals in some senses; most are only moderately good with children and strangers.
Since they can be aggressive and quick-tempered, this might result in nipping or biting if the behavior isn’t corrected early. If you plan to get an Affenpinscher, you should always socialize them properly with people and other pets to expand their social skills.
2. Chihuahua
We all imagine Pit Bulls and Doberman Pinschers as the canine world’s aggressors, but no one ever wants to talk about this savage little beast. Chihuahuas are very much loved and sought after, so some Chihuahua owners might disagree.
But they have some serious personality quirks, including aggression toward people and other pets, potty training difficulties, and marking behaviors. Plus, they can be very neurotic and suffer from separation anxiety more than many other breeds.
3. Dachshund
The Dachshund is a real favorite because of their interesting appearance. These short-legged, long-bodied dogs certainly will steal your heart with their fascinating looks. However, don’t let that fool you.
These dogs are absolutely not recommended for first-time dog owners. They can be stubborn and destructive. By nature, they are diggers; they can dig underneath fences and get out of just about anything!
You can refer to them as little Houdinis. While we admire the Dachshund’s spiciness and attitude, they might pose a lot more work than some owners are willing to put in.
4. Wire Fox Terrier
The Wire Fox Terrier is a very happy-go-lucky and adventurous dog. Although they are definitely down for trips out of the house and social interactions with others, they can also be extremely challenging in other ways.
True to their terrier nature, they can be stubborn and difficult to train. They tend to be very independent thinkers who aren’t easily moved, making finding a level ground difficult for some.
In addition to their personalities, they might also be very difficult to house-train. They are often too energetic and hyper for smaller children and might even accidentally hurt them by playing too rough.
5. Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier certainly can fool you! This dog is small enough to fit in both hands, but their spirit is so much bigger! They have larger-than-life personalities and a little bit of trouble giving up their natural leadership desires.
If you look at personality alone, the Yorkie is one of the most assertive dogs and can undoubtedly bully small children and other animals of all sizes. They fearlessly march into the world and are not fazed by much. Because of this attitude, it can sometimes get them into trouble and make them very complicated to discipline or train.
Now you know a little bit more about some of the best-behaved small dogs. We all agree that every dog has a unique personality, quirks, and challenges. However, the breeds on our list have proven to be pretty easygoing companion animals. Which of these furry cuties were your favorite?
Featured Image Credit: Jon Buscall, Shutterstock