Dr. Chyrle Bonk DVM (Veterinarian)

On top of caring for animals and writing for veterinary publications, Dr. Chyrle Bonk owns a small cattle herd! When she’s not busy with those things, she can be found somewhere enjoying the Idaho outdoors with her husband and two kids. Dr. Chyrle Bonk received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Oregon State University in 2010. Chyrle has practiced in a mixed animal clinic for over a decade. She also writes for various veterinary websites and magazines, like Dogster!

Young woman with cat and using laptop for video call meeting and telemedicine with veterinary from home

What States Allow Online Vet Prescriptions? Update for 2024

The online world has expanded so much that people can skip going to the office, the grocery store, or even the doctor’s office, respectively choosing to do work, buy food, and seek medical advice online instead. This convenience has even spread into veterinary medicine, with vet telehealth becoming quite popular among pet owners. While it […]

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a woman with her labrador retriever dog using a laptop

How to Get Vet Prescriptions Online: Our Vet Explains the 5 Steps & FAQ

There’s nothing easier than pulling out your phone, clicking a few buttons to order something, and having it show up on your doorstep within a couple of days. Nearly every retail company out there is offering this service, including pet pharmacies. So, rather than trying to squeeze a visit to the vet clinic into their

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Can Cats Be Allergic to Dogs? Vet-Explained Info & How to Help

Allergies are among the most frustrating issues that veterinarians and pet owners deal with. It’s not enough that the signs are so uncomfortable, but the cause can also be difficult to determine, so treatment is usually subpar or elongated and expensive. The best treatment for an allergy that your pet has is to pinpoint and

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vet examining the stomach of a labrador retriever dog

Heimlich Maneuver for Dogs: Step-by-Step Guide (Vet Answer)

Many people are versed in basic first aid, and some may even know more intermediate methods, such as CPR or the Heimlich maneuver—for humans, anyway. But what about our pups? Knowing what steps to take when our canine companion is in trouble can go a long way toward helping to save their life, provided that

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Owner giving medicine in a pill to his dog

12 Common Prescription Anxiety Medications for Dogs (Vet Answer)

Most dogs are so happy-go-lucky that you could never imagine any of them experiencing something like anxiety. But the fact of the matter is that some canines do have anxiety, and sometimes, it’s severe enough that they need medication. Fortunately, there are many good anxiety meds for dogs out there that your vet can prescribe

12 Common Prescription Anxiety Medications for Dogs (Vet Answer) Read More »

beagle dog sick sad on bed

Roundworms In Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatment

While you may wish that it wasn’t true, dogs do get parasites, both inside their body and on it. Some canines get them quite frequently, even those that spend most of their time indoors. One of the most common types of intestinal parasites is roundworms. When your pup is infested with these invaders, it might

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My Dog Ate a Chicken Bone

My Dog Ate a Chicken Bone, What Do I Do? (Vet Answer)

You may have been warned about the dangers of dogs eating chicken bones, and with good reason. Eating a chicken bone can be dangerous for a dog. So, whether your dog gulped down a chicken bone without chewing or if they crunched it up, contact your veterinarian immediately. Chicken bones will usually dissolve without incident

My Dog Ate a Chicken Bone, What Do I Do? (Vet Answer) Read More »

Senior Golden Retriever feeeling sick resting on a dog bed

Why Do Golden Retrievers Get Cancer More Than Other Breeds? (Vet Answer)

The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States for good reason. This lovable goofball rarely knows a stranger and can lift your spirits with their ever-wagging tail. If only having a Golden was all sunshine and butterflies! Instead, it is more often that you worry about them getting sick,

Why Do Golden Retrievers Get Cancer More Than Other Breeds? (Vet Answer) Read More »

dog and snake

Snake Bites on Dogs: Types, Signs & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Many people fear snakes, while many dogs are intensely curious about them. Unfortunately, dogs plus curiosity can be a recipe for disaster—in this case, a snake bite. Snake bites on dogs can come in all forms, sizes, and locations, and the severity will depend on the type of snake and where they bite your dog.

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Close up White shih tzu dog laying on the floor

Tracheal Collapse in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatment

It’s a unique and harsh sound; a honking cough that makes you think a flock of geese is flying overhead. Unfortunately, it’s coming from your little dog, increasing in intensity when they get excited. A honking cough is a classic sign of a collapsed trachea, something that is a fairly common occurrence in our favorite

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vet examines a dog's suture after healing belly scar on dog stomach after surgery

Colitis in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatments (Vet Answer)

There are few things that an owner dreads more than when their dog gets diarrhea. Also, what if that diarrhea comes with frequency, straining and urgency, and even a bit of blood? You may be looking at a case of colitis, or inflammation of the colon. Read on for information on what this condition is,

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dog in vet clinic

Are All Tumors Cancerous in Dogs? Our Vet Explains the Differences

A tumor—in a dog or another animal—is a swelling due to the unregulated growth of tissue cells. While that may sound bad, it doesn’t necessarily mean cancer. Tumors can either be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Knowing which type your dog has will require a veterinary diagnosis. It’s nearly impossible to discern a cancerous tumor

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Female vet examining sick and sad Rhodesian ridgeback dog

Liver Disease in Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatments

The liver is an impressive organ! Not only is it like the body’s oil filter, but it also has the ability to regenerate should it become injured or damaged. However, that doesn’t mean the liver should be left entirely to its own devices. It still needs support during times of need. For example, liver disease

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sick old dachshund dog lying on the floor

Kidney Stones in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Treatments (Vet Answer)

Kidney stones tend to be fairly prevalent in people, making us wonder if our canine companions are spared the anguish. Kidney stones do indeed seem to be fairly rare in dogs, with bladder stones being the most often diagnosed urinary stones. However, they may be more common than we think; they just don’t tend to

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vet checking dog's eyes

Horner’s Syndrome in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Care Guide (Vet Answer)

When something affects your dog’s appearance, it can elicit fear for their health, especially if it impacts your pet’s face and eyes. Horner’s syndrome is a health condition that can completely alter how a dog looks, seemingly overnight. Let’s examine Horner’s syndrome in more detail so you can better recognize the signs and learn how

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Cute Samoyed dog eating from bowl at home

How Many Calories Should My Dog Eat? Vet-Recommended Feeding Chart & Calculator

The rate of weight gain and obesity in dogs is on the rise. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 60% of our canine companions are overweight, a condition that can have deleterious effects on their health.1 That number is too high for comfort, especially considering that weight gain in dogs is nearly always a preventable

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sick weakened puppy lies in the arms of owner

Allergic Reactions in Dogs: Signs, Causes, Care & FAQ (Vet Answer)

Allergic reactions can take many forms in canines, from hives and vomiting to severe anaphylaxis, which is when a dog can’t breathe. There are so many causes of allergies that it can be hard to pinpoint the exact culprit to prevent these reactions from recurring. So, while severe allergic reactions always necessitate an immediate trip

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brindle boxer dog drooling outside

My Dog Is Drooling a Lot: When to Be Concerned (Vet Answer)

For some dogs, a bit of drool on their chin is a regular accessory to their overall look. Others may only allow the floodgates to open during meal times. While there are many normal causes of drooling in dogs, there is also a fair share of abnormal causes, some of which are potentially serious. But

My Dog Is Drooling a Lot: When to Be Concerned (Vet Answer) Read More »

Can dogs eat bananes

Can Dogs Eat Bananas? Our Vet Explains Benefits & FAQ

A banana may be your go-to snack when you’re looking for something healthy, satisfying, and convenient. In fact, the fruit may be such a staple in your diet that you’re wondering about sharing it with your canine companion. The good news is that dogs can safely eat bananas, but there are a few stipulations to

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Giardia in Dogs: Care, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Diarrhea is something that can commonly show up in our canine companions, often without warning, and can have many different causes. One cause is an infection of protozoa called Giardia. You may also recognize this as a human diarrheal issue. To get a better understanding of what Giardia can do to your pup (and you),

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Toy poodle dog vomits yellow substance

Why Is My Dog Vomiting Yellow? Reasons & What to Do (Vet Answer)

Unfortunately, vomiting can be a common part of having a dog, and their vomit can come in many forms and be a variety of colors. If your dog is vomiting yellow, it’s most likely bile, which could be tied to several different causes, including fasting, pancreatitis, and allergies. If the vomiting is severe or accompanied

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jack russell terrier dog vomiting outdoor

My Dog Is Constipated & Throwing Up, What’s Wrong? Our Vet Answers

When your dog has two major health signs occurring simultaneously, they should see the vet. Constipation and vomiting together can be due to several potentially serious causes, with the main one being an intestinal obstruction. Visit your veterinarian if your dog isn’t having regular bowel movements or if they seem to be pained or strained

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labrador retriever dog lying on the floor looking sad or sick

What If My Dog Has a Seizure When I’m Not Home? Our Vet Explains What to Do

A seizure is a scary thing for a dog owner to witness. It involves uncontrolled movement on your dog’s part, followed by a post-ictal period where a pup may appear disoriented and uncoordinated, and they may not even recognize you. What may be even scarier than seeing a seizure is knowing that your dog could

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female owner giving healthy treats while cuddling with her jack russel terrier puppy at home

How to Make My Dog Vomit Without Hydrogen Peroxide: Our Vet Explains

Most of the time, your dog vomiting isn’t something that you want to see or deal with. Not only does it create a mess, but it can also mean they are sick or ate something that they shouldn’t have or any other number of bad things that you don’t want your pet to undergo. However,

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Prednisone Drug In Prescription Medication Pills Bottle

Prednisone for Dogs: Our Vet Explains The Uses, Doses & Side Effects

Prednisone is common in both human and veterinary medicine. It’s useful for various ailments, from itchy skin to cancer treatment. While it may work wonders for many conditions, there are a few things to be aware of when giving this medication to canines. Read on to learn about the use of prednisone in dogs, the

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dog getting a blood test at vet

Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) in Dogs: Vet Explained Causes, Signs & Care

When you hear the phrase immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or even just the acronym, IMHA, it can make your head spin a bit, especially if you don’t know what any of the words mean. We’re here to explain what this health condition is, what it can look like in your canine companion, and what you and

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