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140+ French Dog Names: Très Bon Picks for Your Franco Pup

Written by: Jana Blagojevic

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Dogster Team

French Dog Names

140+ French Dog Names: Très Bon Picks for Your Franco Pup

First-time dog owners know how challenging it can be to name a puppy. Their name is their first present from you, and you want it to be the best fitting name, a perfect blend of unique and memorable. So many factors come into play, such as finding a short name that your dog will quickly learn but also one that you will enjoy repeating every day.

If you’re looking for unique names, consider naming your dog one of these amazing French dog names, which will be a perfect fit for your quirky and charming pup. Read all the most famous examples below, and hopefully, one of these names will be the ideal fit for your dog.

How to Name Your Dog

Naming your dog is the first important decision regarding your pup. Their name will stick with them forever, and you will need to repeat it dozens of times every day for years, so you need this name to be perfect. It should be something you’ll easily repeat, that you’ll like the sound of, and that your pup will quickly remember. However, you probably also want this name to be unique and to fit your dog’s personality.

Luckily there are hundreds of names to choose from, and you can even make up your own unique version.

Follow these tips below to find the best possible name for your dog:
  • Avoid names that sound like commands, which can confuse your dog
  • Names with double syllables are best
  • The best names are short, easy to say, and not too complex
  • Avoid names that are too similar to your family members and other pets
  • Take into consideration your dog’s personality. Are they grumpy, stubborn, happy, calm?
  • Find inspiration in your favorite movie characters or other interests

Female French Dog Names

fawn french bulldog walking on grass
Image Credit: Irina Nedikova, Shutterstock

Below are the most popular examples of French dog names which are ideal for your female pup. Whichever female French dog name you choose, you will be proud to call out your dog in a crowded street or park.

  • Agnès
  • Aimée
  • Alexandrine
  • Alice
  • Amabelle
  • Amy
  • Annabelle
  • Anne
  • Avril
  • Brigitte
  • Brittany
  • Carolina
  • Charlotte
  • Claire
  • Claudine
  • Constance
  • Desiree
  • Eléonore
  • Genevieve
  • Gigi
  • Giselle
  • Hélène
  • Isabelle
  • Iva
  • Juliet
  • Madeleine
  • Margot
  • Odette
  • Renée
  • Roxanne
  • Zoe
  • Édith

Male French Dog Names

Male French dog names also vary from more tough, such as Garson, Rex, or Gabriel, to those which express your pup’s gentle nature, such as Émile, Olivier, or Adrien. Luckily, there are many options to choose from, where you can find inspiration.

  • Adrien
  • Albert
  • Antoine
  • Avery
  • Beaufort
  • Chauncey
  • Claude
  • Fabien
  • Florian
  • François
  • Gabriel
  • Garçon
  • Gaston
  • Gobert
  • Gustave
  • Gérard
  • Henri
  • Jaq
  • Julien
  • Laurent
  • Luc
  • Marc
  • Matisse
  • Oliver
  • Olivier
  • Pascal
  • Philippe
  • Pierre
  • Rex
  • Sébastien
  • Yannick
  • Émile

Gender-Neutral French Dog Names

gray french bulldog jumping over a log
Image By: two_tees, Unsplash

If you are looking for a name that doesn’t fit a specific gender, the names below are a perfect option.

  • Arte
  • Beau
  • Bisou
  • Danièle
  • Jean
  • Lior
  • Maxime
  • Merlot
  • Noelle
  • Remie
  • Rene
  • Valérie
  • Zuri

French Dog Names for Sweet Puppies

These sweet names are ideal for puppies with kind personalities. Puppies that carry these names are gentle, soft, and calm, and the name represents their nature perfectly. They represent gentle flowers, stars, and butterflies and are ideal for smaller breeds.

  • Adélaïde
  • Amour
  • Angeline
  • Angélique
  • Aurore
  • Bijoux
  • Bébé
  • Camille
  • Cherie
  • Chien
  • Coraline
  • Célestine
  • Elle
  • Estelle
  • Fleur
  • Fleurine
  • Florentine
  • Jolie
  • Liana
  • Lille
  • Papillon
  • Petit
  • Pom
  • Tintin

French Names for Trendy Dogs

3 months old blue french bulldog
Image Credit: Angyalosi Beata, Shutterstock

If your dog is an eccentric Poodle, Chihuahua, or any other popular breed, you’ll adore the names below! They are ideal for expressing the stylish nature of your dog and yourself. They are unique, distinctive, and catchy!

  • Audrey
  • Calvin
  • Chanel
  • Chloé
  • Céline
  • Dior
  • Gaultier
  • Hermès
  • Hugo
  • Lacroix
  • Lancôme
  • Madame
  • Moët
  • Paris
  • Sephora
  • Vogue
  • Zara

French Dog Names for Quirky Personalities

We have a collection of quirky names for those restless-spirited dogs that make everyone fall in love with them. These names will fit their quirky personalities perfectly and express their character in a funny way. For example, naming your dog Bonaparte or Casanova will surely be a conversation starter in the dog park!

  • Adelle
  • Alphonse
  • Bonaparte
  • Casanova
  • Colette
  • Gilbert
  • Honoré
  • Lucille
  • Léon
  • Quentin

French Dog Names Based on Food

We all know how fun and adorable it is to name your pet based on food. But French foods have some really beautiful sounding names that can make an amazing dog name. While “tarte” and “biscotti” are delicious foods, they are also adorable as names.

  • Baguette
  • Biscotte
  • Chocolat
  • Crepe
  • Croissant
  • Fromage
  • Macaron
  • Soufflé
  • Tarte
  • Truffle
  • Éclair

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article made the job of naming your dog easier. You will surely find your inspiration in one of these categories and names—you can even mix them into one unique-sounding name. Make sure to consider your dog’s personality to find a name that suits them best.

Featured Image Credit: Peebs, Shutterstock

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