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German Shepherd Jindo Mix: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Written by: Jeff Weishaupt

Last Updated on August 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

Parent Breeds of German Shepherd Jindo Mix

German Shepherd Jindo Mix: Info, Pictures, Care & More

If you’re looking for a loyal furry friend, look no further than the Shep-Jindo. Known for their laid-back nature, the German Shepherd Jindo Mix has everything you want in a lifelong companion. They may act reserved with strangers, but this breed is devoted and protective of their family.

Breed Overview


19–26 inches


40–80 pounds


7–15 years


Black, black & cream, black & tan, black & silver, brindle, fawn, gray, and white

Suitable for:

Active families with older children


Friendly, affectionate, and laid-back

As the name suggests, this breed is a mix of the German Shepherd and the South Korean Jindo. This lineage is clear in the mixed dog’s looks and personality. For example, they inherit the robust and muscular body of their German Shepherd parent. Their proportionate head also displays a noble expression true to their ancestry. The breed inherits the Jindo’s alertness, evident in their erect ears and almond-shaped eyes.

There’s a lot to love about this breed, but they’re mostly esteemed as watchdogs. Their protectiveness over their families keeps them alert around strangers. But at home, they’ll cuddle up and show you all their love.

German Shepherd Jindo Mix Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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German Shepherd Jindo Mix Puppies

Since they’re a mixed breed, finding a Shep-Jindo isn’t easy. Breeders often specialize in one breed at a time and prefer purebred dogs over hybrids. So, you’ll have trouble finding a reputable breeder specializing in German Shepherd Jindo puppies.

If you’re not looking to buy, you can visit your local animal shelter and hope they have a German Shepherd Jindo mix. But it is highly unlikely since their parent breeds are rarely bred together.

Like any other breed, German Shepherd Jindo mix puppies are adorable. You’ll start seeing their curious and active nature as soon as they leave the newborn stage.

The best time to introduce them to children and pets is when they are 3 weeks old. Also known as the socialization stage, this is when they’re at their most active and social as puppies. Introducing them to other animals at this stage can prevent aggression or hostility in the future.

Luckily, these puppies are just as smart as their parents, making them easy to train. On the other hand, they also inherit their parents’ vocalization. That means you’ll often find them barking or howling at anything and everything!

The Parent Breeds of the German Shepherd Jindo Mix
Image Credit: (L) Nikolai Tsvetkov, Shutterstock | (R) StudioPixs, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the German Shepherd Jindo Mix

Both German Shepherds and Jindos are intelligent breeds. Fortunately, their intelligence passes on to their offspring in unique ways. The Shep-Jindo is brilliant in many different areas due to its hybrid vigor.

For example, they inherit their German Shepherd parent’s quick learning ability. That means they can excel in working roles, problem-solving tasks, and obedience. The Jindo parent’s independent thinking manifests in hunting, guarding, and search and rescue work.

With their combined intelligence, the Shep-Jindo is incredibly easy to train. Their quick-learning brains pick up new commands, tasks, and skills in no time, making them ideal for first-time dog owners. It also allows them to interpret human cues expertly and foster a deeper connection.

When it comes to their temperament, this breed also inherits all good things from their lineage. Both parents are known for their loyalty, so German Shepherd Jindo mixes are devoted to protecting their families. Their cautious and alert nature contributes to their role as a watchdog.

On the other hand, this breed also gets independence and stubbornness from their parents. You’ll only see their affectionate side at home, as they can act hostile in front of strangers. That’s only because they feel protective over their families.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?🏡

Yes, the German Shepherd Jindo mix can be the ideal family dog. If you train and socialize them early on, they can get along with your kids. They’ll even feel protective over the children and do their best to keep them safe.

Luckily, their stubbornness is often overpowered by their eagerness to please. If you’re a first-time dog owner, you’ll have no trouble training them in the puppy stage.

The sociability of the Shep-Jindo depends on what parent they take after. They may be more reserved and independent if they’re more like a German Shepherd. If they take after their Jindo parents, they’ll be popular at the dog park.

It is worth noting that Shep-Jindos are large and strong. They may not intentionally attack your children, but accidents can still happen while playing or running. It is best to supervise all interactions between your pets and kids until they grow up.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?🐶 😽

Although it may take some time, the German Shepherd Jindo mix can get along with other pets. This breed has a strong prey drive, so they can intimidate smaller pets. You can avoid this by socializing and exposing them to your pets early on.

As they were bred to work, German Shepherd Jindo mixes have a natural inclination to livestock. If you own any horses, goats, or cattle, they’ll get along with Shep-Jindo just fine. With enough socialization, they can even befriend cats.

Unfortunately, their strong prey drive makes them unsuitable for homes with smaller pets. If you own rabbits, guinea pigs, or hamsters, you’ll need to keep them separate from the Shep-Jindo.

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Things to Know When Owning a German Shepherd Jindo Mix

German Shepherd Jindo mixes are typically easy to care for, but you’ll still need to learn some general guidelines. Here’s everything you need to know about owning a Shep-Jindo:

Food & Diet Requirements🦴

Like any dog, Shep-Jindos thrive with the right balance of protein, fats, and carbs. As a large breed, they need more protein than other dogs to support their muscle development. High-quality dog food with protein as the first ingredient should make up most of their diet.

Depending on their age, these dogs should eat somewhere between 1,700 and 2,000 calories every day. Snacks and treats should only make up 10% of their daily calories. For German Shepherd Jindo mixes, this means 170 to 200 calories. If your dog mainly eats dry food, make sure they drink enough water throughout the day.

Before buying dog food, we recommend looking through the ingredients list to avoid additives. If you opt for homemade meals, consult your vet before making any changes. A full-rounded meal for a Shep-Jindo should consist of lean proteins, cooked veggies and grains, and healthy oils. After consulting your vet, you can also add fish oil for omega-3 fatty acids.


The German Shepherd Jindo mix has an ancestry of hardworking breeds. While Jindos were bred for hunting and guarding, German Shepherds worked as farm dogs. As a result, their offspring have high energy levels to burn off by the end of the day.

These dogs need at least 2 hours of exercise every day. You can fulfill that in the form of brisk walks, jogging, hiking, or a game of fetch. If your lifestyle is somewhat sedentary, you can split these activities into multiple sessions to keep your dog stimulated throughout the day.

Walks are a great way for dogs to burn off energy, but Shep-Jindos also need some off-leash time. You can let them run around and play in a fenced area without the leash for at least an hour a day.

Other than that, they also need some level of mental stimulation every day. Playing and exercising together can keep your dog mentally stimulated and build a stronger bond. You can even involve mental stimulation in their diet with interactive feeding toys.


When it comes to training a Shepherd Jindo mix, it’s best to start early. These dogs develop strong prey drives as they grow, so you must introduce them to animals and children at a young age. This will turn them into well-rounded adults with no trouble getting along with others.

This breed inherits stubbornness from its Jindo parent, so you’ll need incentives to motivate them. Positive reinforcement, such as praise or treats, can be a great way to encourage good behavior. These dogs are still eager to please, so you won’t need to use harsh training methods.

However, you do need to practice consistency. Shep-Jindos can be independent, so it’s easy to get off-track when learning tricks and commands. It’s best to train every day to retain the newly learned tricks in the dog’s brain.

You can also crate-train your German Shepherd Jindo mix to establish boundaries and manage stress. It provides a safe space for your dog to retreat and prevents them from roaming at night.

Grooming ✂️

German Shepherds have double coats, with dense undercoats and coarse outer coats. Meanwhile, Jindos have a thick and straight outer coat. Combined, their offspring have dense double coats that need moderate maintenance.

Thanks to their Jindo parents, these dogs have weather-resistant coats. They shed moderately throughout the year but much more heavily during shedding seasons. You’ll need to brush their coats at least once a week with a slicker brush to prevent matting.

Only bathe them as needed, as overbathing can strip their natural oils. German Shepherds are also prone to ear infections, so you must check their ears for redness, inflammation, and bad odors. You can also clean them with a cotton ball soaked in a vet-approved ear-cleaning solution.

Other grooming tasks include trimming their nails every month and brushing their teeth every day.

Health and Conditions❤️

The parent breeds of this mix are known for their good health and longevity. However, they have a few health issues seen in most large breeds. While some conditions are minor, others need immediate veterinary attention.

Minor Conditions
  • Allergies
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Ear Infections
  • Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
Serious Conditions
  • Bloat (Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus)
  • Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
  • Hemangiosarcoma
  • Degenerative Joint Disease (Osteoarthritis)

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Male vs. Female

German Shepherd Jindo males aren’t too different from their male counterparts, except in size. Male Shep-Jindos are typically 24 to 26 inches tall, while females tend to be between 22 to 24 inches. They also weigh five to 15 pounds less than males.

Their temperaments are quite similar, as both sexes are laid-back and friendly. In some cases, male Shep-Jindos may exhibit more territorial behavior and assertiveness. Neutering or spaying your pup can reduce these traits significantly.

Other than that, the choice between the sexes depends entirely upon individual preference. It’s better to spend time with each sex before adopting or buying to test your compatibility.

3 Little-Known Facts About the German Shepherd Jindo Mix

1. The German Shepherd Jindo Mix Has “Hybrid Vigor”

The German Shepherd Jindo mix benefits from something called “hybrid vigor.” That means they have better health and vitality compared to their purebred parents. This vigor manifests in various areas.

For example, their German Shepherd parent is incredibly versatile and adaptable. Meanwhile, the Jindo has a strong instinct for survival and resilience. Combining these traits, their offspring can thrive in all kinds of settings, whether urban or rural.

Their hybrid vigor also manifests in their health. Cross-breeding introduces a level of genetic diversity that makes the dog resilient to certain health issues.

The breed also inherits loyal and protective instincts from its parents. This makes them even more inclined to their families than purebred dogs, resulting in a devoted companion. Shep-Jindos are highly protective over their loved ones and serve as excellent watchdogs.

2. The German Shepherd Jindo Mix Can Adapt to Many Different Environments

As mentioned, German Shepherds are known for their adaptability and versatility. They’ve worked as herding, guarding, and police dogs. As a result, they’ve developed a strong work ethic, adaptability, and intelligence.

That also means they thrive in urban environments as family companions and in rural settings as shepherds. On the other hand, Jindos have plenty of experience navigating rugged terrains and harsh climates. They have strong survival instincts, agility, and excellent problem-solving skills.

They’ve worked as hunting and guard dogs in rural areas, which means they, too, can thrive in rural settings. When these breeds combine, they create a dog that adapts to any environment. So, whether you live in the countryside or in the city, your Shep-Jindo will thrive in your home.

3. The German Shepherd Jindo Mix Has Many Unique Coat Patterns

As a mixed breed, Shep-Jindos have many more coat patterns and variations. Combining the coat types of their parent breed, they have dense, coarse, and long coats. This double coat protects them in harsh weather conditions and requires low maintenance.

Their coats are most commonly black, tan, sable, and cream, but you’ll also see combinations of these colors. Some dogs may be predominantly black with cream and tan accents, while others may be the opposite. Some Shep-Jindo coats have light and dark variations of the same color.

These dogs have varying markings and patterns, with black masks being the most common. You may also see tan markings on the chest, legs, and face.

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Final Thoughts

The German Shepherd Jindo makes the perfect furry friend. The breed combines the affectionate nature of the Jindo with the German Shepherd’s loyalty. The result is an intelligent, protective, and work-oriented dog that loves family above all.

When socialized well, the Shep-Jindo can get along with everyone at home, including children and other pets. If you choose to adopt this breed, we hope this article guides you through the ownership!

Featured Image Credit to: (L) Anna Dudkova, Unsplash | (R) designer.oki, Shutterstock

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