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15 Goldendoodle Pros & Cons: What to Know Before You Get One

Written by: Jeff Weishaupt

Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by Dogster Team

goldendoodle walking

15 Goldendoodle Pros & Cons: What to Know Before You Get One

Goldendoodles are adorable and quirky dogs with a gentle nature. They get along with everyone, making them an excellent addition to families. But if it’s your first time becoming a pet parent, you shouldn’t let their cuteness and composure fool you into getting one without thinking too much about it.

While Goldendoodles seem friendly and sociable, they can develop social anxiety even in a familiar environment. Their coat is generally considered hypoallergenic (although no hypoallergenic dog really exists), but it may cause allergic reactions in some people.

Let’s not forget to mention their shedding levels. Miniature Goldendoodles shed quite less, but larger dogs can shed more than you’d expect. This dog breed is also susceptible to many health issues, especially hip dysplasia.

There are many more things to consider before buying a Goldendoodle. Let’s discover all of the pros and cons of these dogs below!

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A Brief History of Goldendoodles

It’s important to learn about the origin of your new family member before welcoming them to your home. Doing so will help you a lot in making the right decision. So, where did Goldendoodles come from?

The Goldendoodle isn’t a pure breed but a cross between a Golden Retriever and a standard Poodle. In fact, the American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn’t recognize Goldendoodles as a standard breed yet. That’s because this registration is only for those purebred dogs with a long history.

Goldendoodles were spotted in 1969 for the first time. Monica Dickens, the great-granddaughter of Charles Dickens, bred the first Goldendoodle. But unfortunately, this crossbreed didn’t become very popular around that time.

It was until the 1990s that breeders started working on developing guide dogs for visually impaired individuals with severe dog allergies. The goal was to create a breed that produces less dander but has the same attributes as a Poodle. That’s when Goldendoodles began spreading across the globe, particularly in America and Australia.

However, it’s not necessary for Goldendoodles to inherit their parents’ every trait. They might have a different coat or won’t naturally be good at guiding. But for dog lovers, that’s not something to worry about. The quirky and loving personality of these dogs is enough to fall in love with them!

goldendoodle sitting on the grass
Image Creit: anetapics, Shutterstock

The 9 Pros of Getting a Goldendoodle

Let’s start with all the good things about owning a Goldendoodle. These adorable pups are not just about the looks; there is more to them than what meets the eye. Here are nine reasons you should adopt a Goldendoodle today:

1. Goldendoodles Shed Less Than Other Breeds

We all love Goldendoodles for their gorgeous golden coats. Like every dog, Goldendoodles’ coats also shed, but the shedding is so low that you can go days without vacuuming your home. Keep in mind, though, that no dog is truly hypoallergenic.

However, you must regularly brush your Goldendoodle’s coat, give them occasional baths, and trim their fur to ensure they look beautiful round the clock.

Remember, the shedding level varies from one Goldendoodle to the other, so your dog may shed more or less than your friend’s. But generally, it’s much lower than other breeds.

female goldendoodle puppy
Image Credit: cine-nomadic, Shutterstock

2. Goldendoodles Have Four Types of Coats

Goldendoodles have four types of coats: flat, wavy, straight, and curly—all attractive on their own. The flat coat, however, resembles their parent Golden Retriever’s the most.

The wavy coat is the most common. It combines the Golden Retriever’s straight hair with the Poodle’s curls, giving the Goldendoodle a striking appearance. The curly coat inclines toward the Golden Retriever’s genes, while the straight coat resembles the Poodle.

Each coat type has different grooming needs, so consider them before bringing a Goldendoodle home. However, their allergic response and shedding levels are almost the same.

You will also find color variations among their coats. These include brown, red, gold, black, beige, white, and gray. This way, you can choose your new family member’s coat type and color according to your preferences.

3. They Come in Various Sizes

These dogs vary greatly in size. They are:

Miniature: 14–18 inches and 20–35 pounds
Medium-sized: 17–21 inches and 35–50 pounds
Large-sized: 20–24 inches and 50–90 pounds

While the miniature Goldendoodles are a good fit for small apartments, medium and large ones suit bigger houses the most. Either way, you will bring an energetic addition into your family.

Goldendoodles are also quite sociable and intelligent, regardless of their size. A miniature dog means that the breeder cross-bred the Golden Retriever with a toy or miniature Poodle instead of the standard-sized one.

4. They Can Participate in Many Sports Events

As you know, none of the renowned breed associations—American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), and Continental Kennel Club (CKC)—recognize Goldendoodles as an official breed because they are a designer crossbreed. Yet, you can register your dog at major obedience or agility events at these clubs.

However, the CKC has an exception for mixed breeds. If you provide documents for your Goldendoodle’s parents, the club may accept the breed and grant a pedigree.

So, if you want to participate in fun, thrilling performance events with your pet, the Goldendoodle will be the perfect fit for you. They are also quite agile, so who knows, they might even win!

5. Goldendoodles Love Spending Time with Their Owners

You will always find your Goldendoodle asking for your attention. These dogs like spending time with their owners, whether you’re watching TV, bathing, or maintaining your backyard. They also love receiving appreciation from their human parents through kisses and gentle snuggles.

However, some Goldendoodles are adventurous. If your pet has a similar nature, they may spend some time of the day away from you. But most of the time, they will be snuggling beside you.

woman giving treat to her goldendoodle dog in the nature
Image Credit: EB Adventure Photography, Shutterstock

6. They Bark Occasionally

Let’s be real; nobody likes a dog that barks excessively. This can be quite problematic, especially if you live in a neighborhood with close neighbors. Fortunately, Goldendoodles only bark when they feel threatened or scared. Some may also do so when asking for your attention or something they need.

These dogs may also bark out of excitement, such as when they see you after a long time or they are playing a fetch game. Besides these instances, Goldendoodles stay quiet even when other dogs in their surroundings bark loudly.

7. You Will Have a Swimming Partner

Swimming can get boring if you don’t have a partner. So, adopt a Goldendoodle to have an all-day companion. These dogs love swimming, and why wouldn’t they? Their parents are known as one of the best swimming breeds out there.

In fact, swimming is actually great for Goldendoodles’ health. It helps them speed up their paddling technique—one reason why many organizations train them to become rescue dogs.

Miniature goldendoodle dog swimming
Image Credit: Kathyimages, Shutterstock

8. Goldendoodles Get Along with Kids

Goldendoodles are super active dogs with high energy. Because of this, they sometimes get too excited and start jumping or barking excessively. However, that’s just a few instances. With proper training, these dogs can learn to behave well over time.

Generally, Goldendoodles are quite patient and gentle. You will find them getting along with people of all ages, whether adults or children. So, if you have kids at home, a Goldendoodle can become their best friend. But it’s important to keep an eye on them when you have just adopted the dog. They may nip the toys or even your kids during playing sessions since the experience is new for them.

The good thing is that these dogs have taken the gentle mouth of the Retrievers. So, don’t worry; their nipping won’t cause much damage. Work on your Goldendoodle’s behavior and they will turn out to be the calmest and most caring dogs in no time.

9. Goldendoodles Are Not Aggressive With Other Pets

Goldendoodles are not only gentle with humans but also get along with other pets. The only exception is when they feel threatened by the presence of a stranger in their home. But other than that, these dogs like being around other animals, especially cats.

goldendoodle lying on the floor
Image Credit: Kim Lewis Photography, Shutterstock

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The 6 Cons of Getting a Goldendoodle

It’s hard to believe that these adorable dogs can have any cons, but they have a few. Here are six reasons why you should think twice before adopting a Goldendoodle:

1. You Will Have to Check the Your Goldendoodle’s F-Status

Goldendoodles available for adoption usually have different types of F-statuses mentioned. It refers to “filial,” representing the generation or lineage a dog belongs to. Through the F-status, you can easily tell about the ratio of Poodle and Golden Retriever traits in a Goldendoodle.

For instance, if a Goldendoodle has an F1 designation, it means they are a first-generation dog—a direct result of the Golden Retriever and Poodle breeding. An F2 Goldendoodle represents a dog bred from two Goldendoodle parents—the second-generation breed.

Similarly, F3 status refers to any dog after the F2 breed. You may also see the F1B status on Goldendoodles. It represents back-crossing, meaning a ratio of 75:25 for Poodle and Retriever. An F2B means the dog is a two-thirds Poodle mix.

This type of breeding is usually done to achieve a Goldendoodle with most Poodle characteristics. So, if you’re new in this world, you might find it extremely challenging to choose the right breed for your family and lifestyle.

goldendoodle lying on the grass
Image Credit: ALTEREDSNAPS, Pexels

2. Goldendoodles Are Susceptible to Hip Dysplasia

Like every dog breed, Goldendoodles are prone to many health issues. While some are hereditary, others can be developed over time. Although these dogs have a decent lifespan of 10 to 15 years, you can extend this duration with sufficient care and love.

The most common hereditary issue in these dogs is hip dysplasia, considering both Retrievers and Poodles have it. This condition can also develop when the dog is in their development stage.

Hip dysplasia puts the Goldendoodle in extreme pain and discomfort. It loosens the ball and socket joint in the hip, making both bones grind against each other. This causes the cartilage to tear over time, leading to arthritis, muscle stiffness, and restricted mobility.

If your dog has this condition, they will need urgent treatment. However, you can avoid it by asking for the OFA or PennHIP exam report of both of the Goldendoodle’s parents from the breeder. If they are clear, your Goldendoodle won’t inherit hip dysplasia.

Remember, many unauthorized breeders try to manipulate pet parents in different ways when asked about the exam reports. Dealing with them can be a headache. The best solution is to avoid the breeders who don’t immediately provide you with this information.

3. Goldendoodles Need Physical and Mental Stimulation

If your Goldendoodle inherits dominant genes from the Retriever, they will need lots of physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. So, no matter how busy you are, you must take your pet outside daily for running, playing, and walking.

Not only that, but you will also have to maintain proper exercise sessions for them at home. Goldendoodles generally need around 60 minutes of daily walking and playing combined.

If they don’t get enough daily exercise, you may get to see their destructive side. They will be running around the house or nipping household items to release the high energy built up inside them. That’s why medium to large Goldendoodles aren’t the best fit for larger homes.

mini parti goldendoodle puppy dog
Image Credit: maceyhurley, Shutterstock

4. You Will Have to Deal With Their Anxiety

It might come as a surprise to you, but Goldendoodles can get anxious even at home. Yes, they are generally friendly and fun-loving; however, every dog is different. Some Goldendoodles can be introverts and like to be around their owners all the time.

Some common anxiety triggers can be extended alone time, insufficient attention from their human parents, and lack of mental and physical stimulation. Know that your dog suffers from these issues if you often find them chewing household items or destroying furniture and cutlery. That’s just their way of dealing with their anxiety.

5. Some Goldendoodles Can Still Cause Allergies

The primary purpose of creating this crossbreed was to have a hypoallergenic dog for people with allergies. Yet, many pet parents have reported allergic reactions to Goldendoodles.

Larger Goldendoodles are also likely to shed more than the Golden Retriever. That’s why many people search for miniature dogs in this breed.

The best way is to look for the Goldendoodle with a B-status (FB1 or FB2), as they have relatively fewer chances of allergic reactions and shedding.

closeup of a goldendoodle puppy laying in the grass
Image Credit: Rick C Lanier, Shutterstock

6. They Are Very Expensive

A Goldendoodle may not be your ideal fit if you’re on a tight budget. As a designer breed, these dogs are more costly than their parents. You can expect to pay around $2,000 to $4,000 for one pup, excluding the vet costs and other expenses.

If your Goldendoodle has a medical concern, you will have to pay even more than your estimated budget. Besides hip dysplasia, these dogs can also have von Willebrand’s disease, sebaceous adenitis, and subaortic stenosis.

So, always ask for the medical reports of the dog and their parents before bringing one to your home. It will give you a clear heads-up of the expenses your Goldendoodle will need in the future.

Final Thoughts

Goldendoodles are loving, sociable, and quirky dogs with lots of energy. However, their traits usually depend on the ratio of genes they adopt from their parents during breeding.

If the Poodle gene remains dominant, the resulting Goldendoodle will have a wavy or curly coat that’s better for allergies. Meanwhile, if they incline toward the Retriever, they will have a straight coat and plenty of mental and physical stimulation needs.

Overall, the pros of these adorable dogs outweigh their cons, which is a green signal if you want to adopt one. But to stay safe, consider the Goldendoodle’s cons beforehand.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Jennifer McCallum, Shutterstock

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