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How to Put on a Dog Costume: 5 Vet-Approved Tips

Written by: Jessica Kim

Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog wearing witch costume

How to Put on a Dog Costume: 5 Vet-Approved Tips


Dr. Paola Cuevas Photo


Dr. Paola Cuevas

Veterinarian, MVZ

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Dogs look adorable when they wear costumes, but it’s rare to find a dog that naturally enjoys wearing one. It usually takes a good amount of training and exposure to get dogs comfortable with putting on costumes.

Since it’s possible for dogs to take several weeks to months to get used to wearing costumes, it’s best to start training as soon as you can. Here are vet-approved steps that you can take to successfully get your dog to wear a costume.

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Before You Start

It’s usually not a good idea to start training with a costume. Many dog costumes feel restrictive, and some of them can be made with uncomfortable material. Therefore, buy some dog clothes or bandanas that are made with light, breathable fabric, and get your dog used to wearing these first.

Even though it may take a significant amount of time, increasing your dog’s exposure to clothes and costumes in small increments will increase your chances of success. It will also make putting on clothes a more comfortable and positive experience for your pet.

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The 5 Tips on How to Put a Costume on a Dog

1. Start With Something Light

Costumes can feel bulky and restricting for dogs. So, if your pup has never worn a costume, it’s best to start with a lightweight and comfortable piece of clothing. A soft cotton t-shirt or light sweater are both options that will help dogs get used to wearing clothes more quickly. If your dog doesn’t seem to like wearing a t-shirt, you can try starting with a bandana and working your way up to get your dog comfortable with a t-shirt.

owner taking a photo of his male husky dog wearing a banda
Image Credit: Beach Creatives, Shutterstock

2. Build a Positive Association With Wearing Clothes

It’s important to create a positive association with wearing clothes. Start small, and lay out the clothing on the ground. Let your dog sniff and examine it. Every time they get close to the article of clothing, reward them with praise and treats.

Once your dog gets comfortable being near the clothing, you can start to put it on them. Try to get your dog to put their head through the neck hole. You can use treats to encourage them to poke their head through. Let your dog wear the shirt around their neck, and continue to reward them with praise and treats.

3. Put the Clothing On in Brief Intervals

After your dog gets used to wearing a shirt around their neck, you can move on to putting their limbs through the arm holes. Let your dog wear the shirt for just a few seconds. Give them plenty of treats and high-value rewards to encourage them to keep wearing the shirt; basically, wearing it becomes something positive, even desirable.

Make sure to be careful when you take the shirt off your dog so they don’t feel uncomfortable. Wait a few minutes and put the shirt back on them. Continue to do this several times a day so your dog gets used to putting on a shirt.

dog wearing hawaiian shirt in summer
Image Credit: GinamiPhoto, Shutterstock

4. Extend the Amount of Time Your Dog Wears the Clothing

As your dog gets used to wearing a shirt, you can extend the amount of time your dog wears it. Work in increments, and only keep the shirt on your dog for an amount of time that’s comfortable for them. They will eventually get used to wearing the shirt for longer periods of time.

5. Put the Costume on Your Dog

Once your dog gets comfortable wearing a t-shirt for a long time, you can switch to putting a costume on your dog. If the costume has multiple pieces, start by putting on the least restrictive piece, and have them wear it on its own until they’re completely comfortable with it.

Since costumes are typically more uncomfortable than regular dog t-shirts, keep a close eye on your pet, and make sure to take your dog’s costume off before they try to do it on their own. This will prevent any injuries and will also continue to keep costume wearing a positive experience for your dog. Over time, they will be able to wear costumes for a longer period.

Golden Retriever dog dressed in a witch costume for Halloween
Image Credit: Kashaeva Irina, Shutterstock

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How Long Can My Dog Wear a Costume?

Dogs can usually wear costumes for a couple of hours, but the amount of time that your specific dog can wear a costume will depend on their comfort level. Some dogs enjoy wearing clothes, while others don’t like them at all. So, it’s important to be observant of your pet’s behavior to ensure that they remain comfortable and safe while in costume.

When you’re picking out a costume for your dog to wear, we recommend that you choose safety and comfort over looks. Some costumes can cause skin irritation, especially if they’re made with cheaper synthetic materials. Avoid any dangerous materials and hanging pieces that might fall off and be ingested. Always check your dog’s skin for any chafing or rashes. Make sure your dog isn’t getting too hot or overheated while wearing their costume. If you notice any heavy panting or other signs of overheating, take the costume off your dog immediately.

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When training your dog to put on clothes, be mindful of their comfort level. Making the experience positive and tolerable will help them wear costumes for longer periods of time and resist taking them off.

Never force your dog into a costume, and keep an eye on them whenever they’re wearing one. Ensure that you only choose safe and comfortable costumes that will not put your pup at any risk. Regularly check on them, and be quick to remove the costume if you notice signs of discomfort, especially overheating.

Featured Image Credit: Kashaeva Irina, Shutterstock

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