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La-Chon Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures, Care & More!

Written by: Genevieve Dugal

Last Updated on August 29, 2024 by Dogster Team

La chon_BIGANDT.COM, Shutterstock

La-Chon Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures, Care & More!

If you are looking for a small cotton ball-like dog fiercely attached to its family, the La-Chon could be the pooch of your dreams! Indeed, this mixed dog brings together the characteristics of two breeds highly appreciated by dog lovers: the Lhasa Apso and the Bichon Frise.

Breed Overview


10–18 inches


8–20 pounds


12–16 years


White, blue, cream, brown, black

Suitable for:

Families living in an apartment, those without other dogs


Loyal and loving, intelligent, willful, affectionate, playful, good with children

La-Chons are adorable little animals with wacky and endearing personalities. They don’t shed much hair, adapt well to apartment living, don’t require tons of daily exercise, and bond strongly with their family. However, these designer dogs are sometimes stubborn and don’t always get along well with their other canine companions.

La-Chon Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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La-Chon Puppies

When choosing the breeder for your La-Chon, you should first do your research to ensure that they follow ethical and high-quality breeding practices. Indeed, there are still too many unscrupulous sellers who sell purebred dogs on the internet at a price that is too good to be true. These animals often come from puppy mills, and buying from such places should be avoided at all costs. If you opt for adoption, head over to your local animal shelter to see if they have an older La-Chon. Adoption fees depend on your location.

When you bring home a La-Chon, be ready to have a loyal and friendly member of the family by your side. They are very affectionate and will appreciate playtime sessions. They’re also easily trainable if you commit to firm and consistent training sessions.

Image Credit: Lhasa Apso – SubertT, Shutterstock | Bichon Frise – Eudyptula, Shutterstock

Temperament & Intelligence of the La-Chon

The La-Chon is a little furball with a big personality. Calm and smart, the La-Chon is very kind, independent, and, at the same time, very affectionate. They are very loyal to their family, but they are wary of strangers. They learn tricks quickly and love to be the center of attention, even from toddlers. However, their stubborn little character can be a little bit frustrating at times, especially when you’re trying to keep them from yapping at the unexpected arrival of a guest.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

This is a great dog for families, given how much the La-Chon enjoys human contact. A larger family will increase the odds of someone being home to socialize with the pup. In general, the La-Chon makes a wonderful playmate with children, especially if they have been socialized at a young age.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

Although they are generally friendly and sociable with cats, the La-Chon can be dominant and impatient with other dogs. Thus, unless you have socialized well with other dogs at the puppy stage, your adult La-Chon could be aggressive towards his congeners. This is why it is often recommended that he be the only puppy in your household. Also, you will need to watch him carefully when you take him to the dog park, as he might want to face dogs that are double his size. Don’t be fooled by its small size; the La-Chon has an imposing personality!dogster paw divider

Things to Know When Owning a La-Chon:

Food & Diet Requirements

You must feed your La-Chon with quality kibble, ideally formulated for small dog breeds. About two cups of kibble divided into two meals is usually enough, but be careful not to overfeed them. Indeed, this hybrid breed is prone to becoming overweight, and obesity causes many serious health problems in our canine companions, regardless of their size. If in doubt, seek advice from your veterinarian, who will be able to recommend the best food options for your La-Chon.


The La-Chon does not need long walks to maintain excellent health. They can be a bit lively around the house at times, but they can easily cope with apartment living if you take them out daily for a walk of at least 30 minutes. If, on top of that, you pay them enough attention and play with them every now and then, that will be more than enough for this little dog.

Image Credit: 150, yram83, Flickr, Attribution CC 2.0


Training the La-Chon shouldn’t be too much of a challenge, especially if you are consistent, firm, and patient. However, since this little dog is stubborn, it will most likely test your patience more than once. Don’t be discouraged, and stay positive. In fact, positive reinforcement is a much more effective training technique than yelling and punishment. Early socialization is also one of the keys to a successful education, which will allow you to have a balanced dog at ease in all types of situations.

Grooming ✂️

The La-Chon does not require excessive grooming, but if it has inherited the longer hair from the Lhasa Apso, it will need a little extra brushing. Thus, you will need to groom it at least two to three times a week and more often during the molting period (however not excessive). If your budget allows, you can also take them at least once a month to a professional groomer, who will pamper them like royalty. Your La-Chon will be delighted with the extra attention, and it will also save you from having to cut its claws yourself.

Health and Conditions

While the Lhasa Apso and Bichon Frise sometimes suffer from devastating health issues, the La-Chon usually inherits the best genetics from both parent breeds. Fortunately, your puppy should not suffer from serious health problems, being quite hardy and resilient. However, there are a few serious and minor health issues that, while manageable, can affect your La-Chon’s quality of life:

Minor Conditions
  • Allergies
  • Bladder problems
Serious Conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patellar luxation
  • Kidney disease

Male vs Female

La-Chon males and females are relatively similar. The male may be slightly larger than a female, but that depends mostly on his genetics and whether or not he inherited the stockier build of the Lhasa Apso.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the La-Chon

1. The La-Chon is extremely loyal to their family.

Even if they can inherit the more dependent side of their parent Lhasa Apso, the La-Chon will still be strongly attached to their family. Small puppies bought from a breeder when they’re very young will adapt quickly to their new home and will form a deep bond with their owner. Moreover, it is not uncommon to see this breed of dog become depressed for a time when they are separated from their family. This is why you must carefully weigh the pros and cons before acquiring one of these endearing little animals because the transition into a new family is likely to be very painful.

2. One of the La-Chon parent breeds is believed to be the reincarnation of lamas.

Some claim that the Lhasa Apso is the reincarnation of lamas (Tibetan priests) who were unable to access nirvana. The Dalai Llamas not only adopted the Lhasa Apso as a pet but also gave it as a gift to his distinguished guests. The Lhasa Apso sent to China was used for the creation of the races of Shih Tzu and Pekingese. Moreover, the Lhasa Apso was used as a pet and also as a guard dog due to its lively nature and loud barking.

3. The grooming of their Bichon Frise parent is particularly demanding.

A Bichon Frise is always white in color. There are no other colors allowed by the breed standard. The Bichon Frise also has, among other characteristics, all-black eyes, a raised tail, and a little curved and a long coat: it can reach 4 inches in length.

Thus, the coat of the Bichon Frise has earned the breed a reputation as one of the most demanding dogs when it comes to maintenance.

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This little dog makes a great companion for families as well as for single or older people who want to share their daily life with an adorable plush that does not require too demanding care. The La-Chon, however, is not the best pet to acquire if you already have other dogs in the house. However, this is not an impossible challenge, especially if you educate and socialize your La-Chon from an early age. With a little patience and firmness, you will end up with a well-balanced dog that will get along with everyone in his pack. Besides, who could resist this adorable little face?

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: BIGANDT.COM, Shutterstock

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