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Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Written by: Jana Blagojevic

Last Updated on August 29, 2024 by Dogster Team

Parent breeds of Portuguese Water Dog Labrador Mix - Featured Image

Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix: Info, Pictures, Care & More

If you’re looking for a dog that is energetic, friendly with other pets and children, low-shedding, and intelligent, we’ve got the breed for you. This amazing pooch just so happens to be a mix between two very popular breeds—the Labrador Retriever and the Portuguese Water Dog. In the following article, you can read more about the unique features of both these breeds and how they mixed to create one adorable puppy that got the best of both worlds.

Breed Overview


17–23 inches


40–80 pounds


11–13 years


Black, chocolate, yellow, white

Suitable for:

Active families with children, seniors, first-time dog owners


Intelligent, playful, affectionate, gentle, social

The Lab Portuguese Water Dog is one of the most interesting breed mixes because of the differences in appearance between the parent breeds. Both the Portuguese Water Dog and the Labrador Retriever are waterdogs but with entirely different body types and coat textures. The Portuguese Water Dog has a velvety, slightly waterproof coat that is considered to be hypoallergenic, while the Labrador Retriever has a double coat that sheds a lot.

Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix Puppies

The Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix will reach their full growth between 6 and 12 months, and since they are a mixed breed, their height can vary from 17 to 23 inches. When this breed is still a puppy, it will need a special diet consisting of mostly high-quality dry food that is tailored to its specific age. Commercial puppy kibble is the most reliable food since it is packed with all the nutrients and vitamins a growing dog needs. During this period, it is essential to socialize your pup as much as possible.

It is difficult to estimate prices for puppies, as this is a mixed breed. However, Portuguese Water Dog Puppies vary from $1,500 to $2,500, while Labradors can cost slightly less at up to $2,000 from breeders.

Parent breeds of Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix
Image By: Left – Lynda McFaul, Shutterstock | Right – Ben Hanson, Unsplash

Temperament & Intelligence of the Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix

A Labrador Retriever and a Portuguese Water Dog mix is a wonderful combination considering that both parent breeds are extremely friendly, cheerful, and outgoing. These dogs are such pure and gentle souls and will do just about anything to please their owners. They can give unconditional love and loyalty to the right family, so when you handle them, make sure to show them plenty of love. They are very intelligent, so training them will be incredibly easy with some patience and time.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

Considering that Labrador Retrievers have been among the three most popular breeds in the US for 31 consecutive years, you can imagine how friendly and family-oriented they are. Breeding them with the sweet Portuguese Water Dog will get you a perfectly gentle breed, ideal for any family with children. They are affectionate and just the right amount of protective, so you can count on them to keep your kids safe and entertained. They are quite energetic, which will match your kids’ energy levels perfectly!

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

The Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix is an ideal dog if you’re living in a multi-pet household. They are extremely friendly and welcoming towards other dogs and even cats. They love to meet new puppy friends and will approach them enthusiastically, making them a low threat to other dogs. Of course, as with any other breed, socializing them when they’re still young is crucial since they can develop anxiety and fear of strange dogs if this step is overlooked.

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Things to Know When Owning a Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix

Before committing to a Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix, there are a few things you should know about the breed. Making sure to feed your dog properly and provide regular grooming will go a long way. This breed is quite easy to manage and handle, so if you spend enough time training them when they’re puppies, you’ll have a well-behaved pooch.

Food & Diet Requirements

Since the Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix is a mix of two breeds of different sizes, you can expect your adult dog to weigh anywhere between 40 and 80 pounds. Taking this into consideration, you need to feed your dog accordingly. Their daily intake should accommodate their age, weight, and any existing medical conditions. Because their weight can vary greatly, it is essential to weigh your dog and keep a growth chart to be able to know exactly how much food to provide them per meal.

Their ideal diet should consist of mostly animal-based protein, whether you decide to opt for commercial kibble or homemade meals. You need to include a balanced meal consisting of essential proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, and fiber—meat, vegetables, fruits, and grains.


The Lab Portuguese Water Dog is a highly active and athletic breed that needs plenty of exercise daily. Whether they get plenty of outdoor playtime with your children, a long and productive walk, or hiking, they will enjoy any activity with you. The Portuguese Water Dog was bred for swimming and retrieving, so this breed mix will adore water activities as well, such as swimming or diving. Because they are so active, they can get frustrated if they don’t get enough daily exercise, which can lead to destructive behavior.


Because the Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix is such an active breed, they require early socialization and training. They are incredibly smart, intuitive, and docile, but they tend to be a little clumsy. Exposing them to as many new people and pets as you can will ensure a well-mannered dog in the future.

As we’ve mentioned, this breed mix is very gentle and sweet, so we advise you to avoid any harsh punishments. It is best to reinforce positive behavior, which you can manage perfectly with treats and praise.


This wonderful mix gets the best of both worlds and, usually, acquires the coat of the Portuguese Water Dog as well. The reason why this is a huge advantage is that the beautiful velvety coat of the Portuguese Water Dog requires moderate maintenance as their shedding levels are quite low. While they shed very little, their coat needs regular trimming and brushing and an occasional bath.

Health & Conditions

The Lab Portuguese Water Dog is a generally healthy breed, but a reliable breeder is required to do all screening for potential medical issues. These dogs are prone to several conditions, though, such as hip dysplasia. The Labrador Retriever is susceptible to a condition called exercise-induced collapse (EIC), which is a condition occurring after intense exercise. It is characterized by muscle weakness and a lack of coordination. Since this is a disorder of genetic nature, it is possible that your Lab Portuguese Water Dog may inherit it, which is why appropriate testing must be done by the breeder.

Minor Conditions
  • Ear infections
  • Eye problems
  • Bloat
Serious Conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Exercise-induced collapse (EIC)
  • Hereditary myopathy

Male vs. Female

Like most breeds, Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix females tend to be smaller in size than males. Males tend to be more playful, affectionate, and somewhat clumsy, while females are more subtle with their displays of affection. Other than some typical differences in the behavior of male and female dogs, there are no real visible differences in gender.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Lab Portuguese Water Dog Mix

1. Both the Labrador Retriever & Portuguese Water Dog are Traditional Waterdogs

Both parent breeds were originally bred to serve people as waterdogs, working alongside fishermen and retrieving prey.

2. Their Coat Can Have Characteristics of the Labrador Retriever’s

While these dogs typically inherit the coat of the Portuguese Water Dog, your Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix can sometimes acquire characteristics from the Labrador, causing their coat to be coarser and shedding more. If the main reason you’re looking to get this breed mix is their hypoallergenic low-shedding coat, you can’t always count on it.

3. This Mix Is Usually Highly Versatile Due to the Labrador Parent Breed.

The Labrador Retriever is considered to be one of the most versatile dog breeds in the world and is used as a working dog in a variety of fields. They are amazing as service dogs, search and rescue, and therapy dogs, so your mixed breed may acquire these amazing skills from its parent breed.

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Final Thoughts

After reading about this amazing breed, you will surely want to bring one home! This breed is so desirable because of its sweet nature and affectionate attitude toward people, kids, and other pets. They don’t require too much maintenance, although you should get ready to sacrifice plenty of your time as the Lab Portuguese Water Dog mix absolutely adores attention!

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Left – Jennay Hitesman, Shutterstock | Right – Neil, Pexels

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