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10 Richest Dogs on Earth (With Pictures)

Written by: Kathryn Copeland

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog wearing a dollar sunglasses with money on the background

10 Richest Dogs on Earth (With Pictures)

As dog owners, we strive to enrich our pets’ lives with playtime, exercise, and the best food and toys to keep them healthy and happy. But some dogs could buy their plane to travel the world if they desired!

If you would like to get to know these lucky canines, keep reading for details about 10 of the wealthiest dogs in the world.

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The 10 Richest Dogs on Earth

1. Gunther VI

Breed: German Shepherd
Net worth: $500 million

Gunther VI was the subject of a Netflix documentary series, “Gunther’s Millions.” The story is that Gunther was left $65 million by someone who turned out to be a fictitious countess.

Regardless of the source, Gunther VI comes from the bloodline of the original Gunther, and they inherited this money, which has grown to over $500 million.

The German Shepherd lived in Madonna’s former mansion for a time, owns a yacht, and yes, has a private jet!

2. Sadie, Sunny, Lauren, Layla, and Luke

Breed: Two Golden Retrievers, one Cocker Spaniel, two Springer Spaniels
Net worth: $30 million each

Sadie (Cocker Spaniel), Sunny (Springer Spaniel), Lauren (Springer Spaniel), Layla (Golden Retriever), and Luke (Golden Retriever) all belong to Oprah.

While $30 million for each dog sounds like a large amount of money, Oprah herself has a net worth of $2.5 billion! She adores her dogs and has been quoted saying, “For me, a home without dogs would be like a library without books.”

It is no wonder that Oprah wants to ensure that her dogs are well looked after! The $30 million for each dog has been put into a trust fund until that time.

3. Jiffpom

Breed: Pomeranian
Net worth: $25 million

Jiffpom is a Pomeranian who rose to fame through social media with his own social media accounts, including Instagram (where he has over 9.5 million followers) and TikTok (with over 20 million followers).

His net worth is $25 million, and he also holds the world’s record as the most popular dog on Instagram the fastest dog walking on their front legs for 5 meters, and the fastest dog covering 10 meters on their hind legs.

Unfortunately, Jiffpom seems to have disappeared. The last post on Instagram was on February 20, 2022, and nothing has been posted since. There have been no announcements about whether Jiffpom is still with us, so hopefully, he’s just in retirement.

4. Trouble

Breed: Maltese
Net worth: $12 million

Trouble was a Maltese that belonged to Leona Helmsley. She left $12 million for Trouble in her will as part of a trust fund.

However, after her death, a judge took $10 million of Trouble’s trust fund and gave it to two of Helmsley’s grandchildren (whom Helmsley cut out of her will for no discernible reason).

Trouble passed away in 2010 at age 12, and the remaining trust fund was donated to charity.

5. Conchita

Breed: Chihuahua
Net worth: $11.3 million

Conchita is a Chihuahua that belonged to socialite Gail Posner, who pampered her dogs when she was alive. She wanted her dogs to continue to be pampered even after she died in 2010.

Posner had three dogs that were left $3 million in a trust fund and an $8.4-million mansion on Miami Beach. The other dogs were a Maltese named April Maria and a Yorkshire Terrier named Lucia. However, Conchita seemed to be Posner’s favorite.

All three dogs continued to live in the mansion and were looked after by household staff, who were allowed to live there rent-free.

Posner’s son, Bret Carr, was left $1 million, and he filed a lawsuit to contest his mother’s will. As far as we know, though, the dogs are still living in luxury.

6. Boo

Breed: Pomeranian
Net worth: $8 million

Boo was a Pomeranian that amassed a large amount of money due to his cuteness and social media.

Unfortunately, Boo died in 2019, but through social media sponsorship, merchandising, books, and media appearances, it isn’t too surprising how wealthy this little dog was in his lifetime.

7. Pontiac

Breed: Golden Retriever
Net worth: $5 million

Pontiac was a beautiful Golden Retriever owned by Betty White. Technically, he didn’t inherit the $5 million that White had put in her will for Pontiac because he died in 2017, 4 years before White died.

Still, Betty White was renowned for her work with and love of animals. She had worked with the SPCA of Los Angeles since the 1940s, as well as with many zoos. She was famous for advocating on behalf of animal rights for most of her life.

8. Doug the Pug

Breed: Pug
Net worth: $1.5 million

This social media celebrity goes by the name of Doug the Pug. Doug has over 3.5 million followers on Instagram and 6.1 million on TikTok.

Doug won two People’s Choice Awards for Animal Star for 2019 and 2020 (and he was up against Jiffpom and Lil Bub!).

Like Boo, Doug has books and merchandise, all of which have contributed to him becoming a millionaire!

9. Marutaro

Breed: Shiba Inu
Net worth: $1.5 million

Marutaro is a Shiba Inu that resides in Japan. He was adopted by Shinjiro Ono, who started taking pictures of his dog after the devastating 2011 earthquake in Japan. These pictures were a way of adding joy and love to people’s lives while they were recovering from the earthquake and tsunami.

As of 2023, Marutaro is currently a senior dog, about 15 years old.

10. Tucker

Breed: Golden Retriever
Net worth: $1.5 million

Tucker Budzyn is a Golden Retriever who has found fame through social media. He had 60,000 followers on Instagram by the time he was 6 months old.

When you combine all his social media accounts today, Tucker has almost 25 million followers!

Tucker’s owners have partnerships with a few dog-oriented businesses, and they have a store where they sell quite a variety of products, from grooming kits and leashes to mugs and t-shirts.


Final Thoughts

These wealthy dogs showcase how much people love dogs and how important they are to us. Some dogs became wealthy due to their owners leaving money in their wills to provide for their pets after passing. Other dogs became rich for being full of personality and achieving fame through social media. Of course, this type of success depends not only on the dog but also on how savvy the owner is.

But we already know that dogs don’t care about money. They just want to be fed and loved and to feel safe and secure. “Money doesn’t buy happiness” is a particularly apt saying when it comes to our beloved dogs.

Featured Image Credit By: Kashaeva Irina, Shutterstock

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