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Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix: Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More

Written by: Jeff Weishaupt

Last Updated on August 21, 2024 by Dogster Team

spoodle dog with collar

Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix: Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle is a delightful crossbreed with the charming and spirited nature of the two breeds. This unique blend results in a versatile, lovable companion that captures your heart. Today, we’ll delve into this hybrid breed’s care, characteristics, and temperament.

Keep reading to discover their energy levels, trainability, and health considerations.

Breed Overview


15 to 22 inches


25 to 60 pounds


12 to 15 years


Black, white, brown, cream, and combinations

Suitable for:

Active families and individuals


Intelligent, loyal, and affectionate

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix is a captivating blend of the Spanish Water Dog and the Poodle. This combination results in a dog embodying both parent breeds’ best qualities.

One of the most awe-inspiring features of the Spoodle is its coat. It inherits the curly coat from the Poodle, known for its low-shedding and allergy-friendly coat. This makes them excellent for those with allergies or busy schedules.

The Poodle’s intelligence and the Spanish Water Dog’s working abilities shine through in this breed. They are incredibly easy to train and eager to please. Their versatility makes them well-suited for agility, obedience, and even therapy work.

Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix Breed Puppies

spoodle puppy lying on the floor
Image Credit: Kitch Bain, Shutterstock

Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix puppies are adorable and playful bundles of joy. Like all puppies, they need proper socialization and care to become well-rounded adults. Early socialization is crucial for this breed to ensure a friendly nature.

Finding a Spoodle puppy can be tricky, considering they’re mixed. The best approach is to find reputable breeders who specialize in these mixes. A responsible breeder will ensure the parent dogs are healthy and well-cared for.

It’s important to do thorough research and find breeders who focus on the welfare of their dogs. A reputable breeder will provide you with information about the parent breeds. They’ll also share insights about the puppy’s temperament.

Another option to consider is adoption or rescue organizations. Adopting a mixed-breed puppy can be an excellent way to provide a caring home to a needy dog.

Either way, Spanish Water Dog Poodle puppies need time and dedication to ensure their development into happy adult dogs. With proper care and attention, these adorable puppies can grow into cherished companions.

The Parent Breeds of the Spoodle
Image By: (L) Daz Stock, Shutterstock | (R) Adam Cai, Unsplash

Temperament & Intelligence of the Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle inherits traits from both parents contributing to its temperament.

The Spoodle is friendly and social and generally gets along well with people and animals. They tend to develop very strong bonds with their family and can be affectionate and loyal.

This mixed breed is lively and enjoys playtime and activities that engage their mind and body. They thrive in an environment that provides regular exercise and mental stimulation.

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix may exhibit protective instincts toward their family. While not inherently aggressive, they may alert their owners to potential threats. They are known for their intelligence and trainability. Of course, the mixed breed also inherits this trait. They are quick learners and excel in tricks and obedience training.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?🏡

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix is an excellent choice for families. Their friendly and sociable nature makes them great for both children and adults. They have a playful and energetic temperament, making them ideal playmates for kids.

The Spoodle is known for its gentle and patient nature. This is especially ideal for families with young children. They are generally social with other pets when properly introduced and socialized.

Their trainability makes it easy for families to establish manners and obedience skills. Additionally, the Spoodle forms strong bonds with its family members. With their adaptable and loving nature, this breed can be a wonderful addition to all homes and families.

Does The Spoodle Breed Get Along With Other Pets?🐶 😽

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle gets along with other pets when properly socialized. Their friendly and sociable nature extends to interactions with other animals. This makes them the perfect choice for households with existing pets.

You must introduce them to other pets gradually and in a controlled environment. This will ensure a positive and harmonious relationship.

Individual experiences can affect how well your Spoodle interacts with other pets. Some Spoodles may have a stronger prey drive inherited from the Spanish Water Dog. Monitoring their interactions is always recommended for the safety of all pets involved.


Things to Know When Owning a Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix

Before owning a Spoodle, here’s what you need to know about their needs and healthcare:

Food & Diet Requirements🦴

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix should have a balanced diet tailored to their needs.

Here are some specific considerations for their diet:
  • Choose a high-quality dog food formulated explicitly for medium-sized, active breeds. Look for options that balance protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Protein is essential for the Spoodle’s muscle development and health. Opt for dog food that contains quality proteins like chicken, turkey, or fish.
  • Carbohydrates should come from sources like whole grains or vegetables. These provide energy and fiber to support digestive health.
  • Steer clear of dog foods with excessive fillers, artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. These additives may not provide optimal nutrition and can cause digestive issues.
spoodle dog sitting on the floor
Image Credit: Kitch Bain, Shutterstock


The Spoodle should engage in 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise daily. This can include brisk walks, jogging, running, or playing fetch. They may also take part in dog sports like agility or flyball.

Mental stimulation is also essential for the Spoodle’s fulfillment. Engage their mind through interactive toys, puzzle games, obedience training, or scent work. This will keep them mentally sharp and prevent boredom.

Spoodles enjoy off-leash playtime in fenced areas to run freely and explore. This allows them to release excess energy and fulfill their natural instincts. The breed’s ancestry also makes them inclined to enjoy water-related activities. Swimming or playing in water can be excellent forms of exercise.

Regular socialization with other dogs can provide both physical and mental exercise. It helps them develop social skills, burn energy through play, and meet social needs.


Begin training your Spoodle as early as possible. This breed is intelligent and incredibly eager to please, making them receptive to training from a young age. Start with basic obedience commands like stay, sit, and come.

Also, use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and rewards. This works efficiently to motivate and encourage your dog. They respond well to rewards and treats and will be more willing to learn when rewarded for good behavior.

Be consistent in your training methods and expectations. Use the same cues and commands, and reinforce desired behaviors consistently. Repetition helps your dog understand and remember what’s expected of them.

spoodle dog playing a ball while lying on the grass
Image Credit: Kitch Bain, Shutterstock

Grooming ✂️

The Spoodle’s coat can vary in texture from wavy to curly. So, it should be brushed regularly to prevent matting and tangling. Use a slicker brush or comb with wide-spaced teeth to remove any knots or tangles gently. Pay special attention to areas prone to matting. That includes behind the ears, under the armpits, and around the hindquarters.

Regular trimming is also essential to maintain their coat length. You may opt for a shorter trim for easier maintenance or a longer trim for a more natural look. Professional grooming every 6 to 8 weeks can ensure proper coat care.

Check your Spoodle’s ears often for any signs of infection or excessive wax buildup. Then, clean their ears using a vet-approved solution and wipe the inner ear with a cotton ball. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can push debris further into the ear canal.

Remember to trim your Spoodle’s nails regularly. This will prevent their nails from getting too long and causing discomfort in walking. Use a dog nail clipper or grinder, and be cautious not to cut into the quick, which is the sensitive inner part of the nail.

Health and Conditions❤️

The lifespan of a Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix typically ranges between 10 to 15 years. Individual lifespan can vary based on genetics, health, diet, exercise, and general care.

In terms of health, the Spoodle is generally considered a healthy breed. Like any breed of dog, they may be prone to specific health conditions. Some of the more common health issues observed in Spoodles include:

Minor Conditions
  • Ear Inflammation
  • Allergies
  • Hip Dysplasia
Serious Conditions
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Dental Problems
  • Ear Infections
  • Addison’s Disease


Male vs. Female

When it comes to picking between a male and a female Spoodle, there are a few factors to consider. It’s important to note that individual personalities can vary greatly, regardless of gender. But some general characteristics may help guide your decision.

Male Spoodles tend to be slightly larger and heavier than females. They may also have a more dominant and independent nature. Some male Spoodles may exhibit marking behavior, particularly if not neutered.

Female Spoodles tend to be smaller, more affectionate, and more nurturing. They are generally known to be more consistent in their behavior and can be easier to train. Females experience heat cycles, which require extra care and attention during those times.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix

1. The Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix Has Versatile Working Abilities

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix has its blend of intelligence and athleticism. That’s why it showcases impressive versatility in various working activities. Their eager-to-please and quick-learning nature makes them excellent for multiple tasks and sports. You can find them excelling in agility, obedience, and scent work.

2. The Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix Inherits Hypoallergenic Coat Variations From the Poodle

Among the best aspects of the Spoodle are its hypoallergenic coat variations. This can be helpful for individuals with allergies or sensitivities to pet dander. This trait comes from the Poodle, who has a low-shedding and hypoallergenic coat.

This hypoallergenic coat consists of tightly curled or wavy hair. It can trap loose hair and dander, reducing allergens released into the environment. This can benefit allergy sufferers, as it may minimize allergic reactions.

3. The Spanish Water Dog Poodle Mix Has a Water-Repellent Coat

The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix boasts a remarkable water-repellent coat. This distinctive coat is vital in keeping them warm and dry, even in wet environments. It provides them with the ability to enjoy water-related activities without discomfort.

The dense and curly nature of the Spoodle’s coat creates a barrier that helps to repel water. In wet conditions, the water slides off their coat rather than soaking into their fur. This keeps them dry and maintains their body temperature, as the wetness doesn’t get to their skin.



The Spanish Water Dog Poodle mix is a delightful and versatile breed. It combines both parent breeds’ intelligence, sociability, and working abilities. Their friendly nature and adaptability make them excellent as family pets.

Whether you’re looking for a furry friend or a versatile working partner, the Spoodle can be an ideal pick. Their charming nature, hypoallergenic coats, and adaptability will surely bring joy and love to your life. Remember to provide proper care, training, and attention for a long and fulfilling bond.

Featured Image Credit: Kitch Bain, Shutterstock

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