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Walk Your Dog Month 2024: When It Is & How to Celebrate

Written by: Jana Blagojevic

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Dogster Team

White maltese dog walking with his owner

Walk Your Dog Month 2024: When It Is & How to Celebrate

If you’ve ever heard about Walk Your Dog Month, you may have wondered about its purpose and origin. Around 59% of dogs and 61% of cats are classified as obese or overweight and weight-related problems are an everyday struggle for some pet parents and their pets, so creating a month that encourages healthier habits is an amazing way to inspire everyone.

Walk Your Dog Month is mainly an initiative to unite all pet parents and motivate them to walk their dogs daily for at least 30 minutes—and January of every year is designated as Walk Your Dog Month. This way, you will ensure your pet stays physically and mentally healthy. Read the article below to learn more about Walk Your Dog Month.

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What is Walk Your Dog Month?

Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) on a Pink Leash Goes for a Walk in the Park
Image Credit: FoolishProductions, Shutterstock

Walk Your Dog Month is a fantastic opportunity to get some exercise while staying healthy and bonding with your pet. What better time to begin your new routine than January 1st as a New Year’s resolution? Walk Your Dog Month occurs from January 1st to January 31st every year. This can become a regular part of your routine for you and your pet, allowing you to bond outside through daily walks.

History of Walk Your Dog Month

In 2022, 59% of dogs were classified as obese. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention is dedicated to treating and preventing pet obesity and weight-related health conditions and Walk Your Dog Month was an initiative created to raise awareness about pet obesity and help tackle this problem. Many dogs lack proper mental and physical stimulation, eventually leading to weight problems, destructive behavior, heart problems, poor joint health, and even diabetes.

Most dogs need a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day, and a productive 30-minute walk could make a tremendous difference in your dog’s well-being. Walk Your Dog Month was set to be in January, promoting a healthy attitude towards exercise and outdoor activities even during the coldest months.

Benefits of Walk Your Dog Month

The owner walks around the city with a dog of the Magyar Vizsla
Image Credit:, Shutterstock

The benefits of Walk Your Dog Month are tremendous, and it can be an amazing motivation for pet parents. Sometimes a feeling of unity with other pet parents dealing with the same problems as you can motivate you to take action.

Other fantastic benefits of Walk Your Dog Month include the following:
  • Quality time spent bonding with your dog
  • A perfect way for both you and your dog to get regular exercise
  • Walking your dog will increase their sociability and allow them to meet plenty of new friends
  • Walks are a perfect opportunity to train your dog with some basic commands
  • Walks also improve and boost your mental health

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Final Thoughts

After learning about the purpose of the wonderful Walk Your Dog Month initiative, you will, hopefully, start participating yourself. The number of benefits you and your dog will reap from this event is amazing, and once the Walk Your Dog Month is over, you will feel much healthier. This initiative doesn’t only work to improve the physical health of your dog but also their mental state. Regular walks are an excellent way to stay fit while clearing your mind of troubles and feeling more at ease.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Monika Wisniewska, Shutterstock

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