Chantelle Fowler

Chantelle is passionate about two things in her life – writing and animals. She grew up on the prairies of Canada surrounded by animals and as an adult, she choose to share her home with five cats, two guinea pigs, and a bearded dragon. Chantelle, her husband, and their child take great pride in being great animal parents - the ones who spend a thousand dollars on wall-mounted cat shelves so that their cats can have an indoor jungle gym all year round. When Chantelle isn’t snuggling her cats on the couch or taking pictures of them being funny, she’s outside exploring in the Rocky Mountains, binging the same shows on Netflix over and over, and reading about whatever random topic pops into her brain. 

Chihuahua sitting by a window

Can a Chihuahua Be a Service Dog? Vet-Verified Facts & Info

Chihuahuas may be a toy dog breed, but their personalities are enormous. These loving dogs are fiercely loyal to their humans, and it is this limitless devotion that may make some people curious if Chihuahuas can be good service dogs. Sure, they’re tiny, but can their big temperaments make up for their small stature? Chihuahuas […]

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happy rottweiler dog walking outdoors

How Long Do Rottweilers Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care

Rottweilers are highly intelligent, confident, and courageous dogs whose size and appearance often make them intimidating. However, any owner will tell you just how sweet, affectionate, and playful they are. If you’re considering welcoming a Rottweiler into your home, you’re probably curious about what to expect in terms of lifespan. Since Rotties are large dogs,

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Corgi playing with a roll of white toilet paper

Why Do Dogs Eat Toilet Paper? Risks & Prevention Tips

Dogs do a lot of strange things, but eating toilet paper must be up there with some of the most bizarre canine behavior. There are several potential reasons why dogs eat toilet paper, including behavioral causes like boredom, stress, and instinctual behaviors, and medical issues like nutrient deficiencies and pica. Unfortunately, this habit can result

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poodle licking its owners finger

Why Do Poodles Lick So Much? 7 Vet Reviewed Behavioral & Medical Reasons

Poodles can exhibit all sorts of bizarre behaviors, but licking is one thing that many owners can agree that their dogs do a little too much sometimes. But why do so many Poodles seem prone to licking behaviors? While we can’t know for sure why they lick so much, there are several potential behavioral and

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Senior Golden Retriever feeeling sick resting on a dog bed

Can Dogs Get Strep Throat? Vet Reviewed Prevention & Treatments

There’s no better cure when you’re feeling ill than snuggling up with your dog for a good binge session on Netflix. And if you’ve ever had strep throat, you know how awful you feel and how comforting those canine cuddle parties are. However, what happens if you notice your dog exhibiting the same signs of

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Shot of a hand taking a picture with the smart phone of a chained sad dog lying on the ground

How Can I Talk With a Vet if It’s in the Middle of the Night? Ideas & Online Vet Options

A pet owner’s worst nightmare is experiencing an emergency in the middle of the night when the local clinics are closed. In emergency cases, you absolutely need to take them to a 24-hour veterinary clinic in your area. Online veterinary services are great for many health concerns and for receiving general pet advice, but in

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Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Mountain Dog: Breed Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More

Caucasian Mountain Dogs are a powerful, strong, and giant working dog breed initially developed to protect livestock from predators like wolves and bears. There’s no denying the beauty of these fearless guardians, but owning a Caucasian Mountain Dog is not for the faint of heart. The Caucasian Mountain Dog was originally bred to protect livestock,

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Catahoula Bulldog: Breed Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More

The Catahoula Bulldog is a loyal and affectionate designer dog developed from two United States-based dog breeds: the Catahoula Leopard Dog and the American Bulldog. These protective and confident dogs offer an exciting mix of high-energy and versatile working dogs and loyal and affectionate family pets. However, these powerful, independent, and strong pups are definitely

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Parent Breeds of Afghan Collie

Afghan Collie (Afghan Hound & Border Collie Mix): Info, Pictures, Care & More

The Afghan Collie is a mixed breed resulting from pairing an Afghan Hound with a Border Collie. This is a truly unique hybrid, as these two dogs differ in many ways. With the extremely high energy and eagerness-to-please characteristics of the Border Collie and the regal and noble stature of the Afghan Hound, this designer

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french bulldog lying on grass at the park

When Do French Bulldogs Calm Down? 9 Vet-Approved Tips to Help Hyperactivity

French Bulldogs are exceptionally playful, affectionate, and energetic little pups with a penchant for life. Their sweet and lovable personality is what makes them the most popular dog breed in America, dethroning the Labrador Retriever, who had a firm hold on that number one spot for 31 years! However, though they may be small, French

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close up of ginger snaps

Can Dogs Eat Ginger Snaps? Vet-Verified Facts & Explanation

Ginger snaps are a spiced cookie that’s synonymous with the holiday season. They’re slightly sweet without being too overpowering, and deliciously crunchy. While you may enjoy them, ginger snaps aren’t something we recommend offering your dog. Ginger snaps aren’t inherently toxic, but that doesn’t mean that they’re healthy for your dog, either. Read on to

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dog licking its paw

How to Stop My Dog From Licking Their Paws: 11 Vet-Approved Tips

Dogs never cease to fascinate us with their unusual behaviors and quirky mannerisms. From a classic case of the zoomies to concentrated tail-chasing sessions, the causes of our dog’s behaviors aren’t always easily identifiable. Paw licking is one of those behaviors that can either be completely normal or indicative of an issue. While some degree

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scabs on dog's skin

Why Does My Dog Have Scabs on Their Back? 6 Vet-Verified Reasons

Finding crusty scabs on your dog’s back can be stressful for pet owners. Not only are scabs gross to touch and clean, but their presence likely indicates that your pup is in some degree of pain, as many scabs are self-induced. The good news is that discovering scabs on your dog isn’t always a major

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Parent Breeds of Affenshire 2024

Affenshire (Yorkshire Terrier & Affenpinscher Mix): Info, Pictures, Care & More

The Affenshire is a hybrid dog breed developed by crossing a Yorkshire Terrier with an Affenpinscher. This designer pup combines some of the best traits of both parents, including the Yorkshire Terrier’s bold and feisty temperament and the Affenpinscher’s loyal and affectionate nature.  Read on to learn more about this interesting hybrid to determine if

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canned anchovy fillets and slices of baguette on wooden kitchen table

Can Dogs Eat Anchovies? Vet Approved Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Though they’re definitely not for everyone, anchovies can be a great addition to sandwiches, pizzas, and soups. They’re frequently found in sauces and dressings and can even be grilled like sardines or mackerel. Though they have a terrible reputation, anchovies are extremely good for you. But do these benefits extend to our canine counterparts? Yes,

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Peaceful dog sleeping in his orange bad by the night light

Can Dogs Have Sleep Apnea? Vet Reviewed Facts & Info

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops and restarts during sleep. This potentially serious disorder affects anywhere between 10% and 30% of adults 1, but can our canine counterparts also suffer from it? Yes, your pup can absolutely develop sleep apnea. Though sleep disorders in dogs are uncommon, sleep apnea is one

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an english bulldog at the vet's office

Bulldog Tail Pocket Infection: Vet-Approved Prevention & Care Guide

As a Bulldog owner, you know there are some non-negotiable parts of your grooming regimen. For example, your pup’s facial wrinkles are part of what makes them so adorable, but they can also be very time-consuming to clean. But did you know that there’s another non-negotiable part of Bulldog grooming that you might be overlooking?

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cream dog eating from the bowl

Can Dogs Have Molasses? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts, Dangers & Benefits

Molasses is a thick syrup by-product of the sugar-making process. It’s commonly used in baking and can even be found in some dog foods and treats, but is it healthy for them? While small amounts of blackstrap molasses may be safe to offer dogs, it’s not a healthy addition to their diet. If you’re going

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golden retriever lying next to owner with xmas socks

Can Dogs’ Legs Fall Asleep? Vet-Verified Facts & FAQ

We all know the tingling feeling that floods our legs when we sit in the same position for too long. This is known in the medical world as “transient paraesthesia,” though most people refer to it as their limbs “falling asleep.” Fortunately, the feeling that accompanies this phenomenon is short-lived and typically clears fast once

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Can Dogs Eat Chickpeas? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Chickpeas have a pleasant, nutty taste that lends itself well to many dip, salad, and curry recipes. They can provide many nutritional benefits for humans, but can you share this legume with your dog? Offering chickpeas in their plain form to your pup is safe and does provide some great nutritional benefits. However, it would

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Shiitake mushrooms on the table

Can Dogs Eat Shiitake Mushrooms? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Mushrooms are a complex food. While many types offer a nutrient-loaded, low-calorie, savory, and meaty addition to your recipes, others can be deadly for both humans and dogs. Therefore, if you’re staring at the shiitake mushrooms on your plate and wondering if you can share them with your dog, you’re right in being cautious. Thankfully,

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Globe Artichoke - Dragon Eggs close up

Can Dogs Eat Artichokes? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Artichokes are large thistle-like perennials grown for their edible flower buds. Their leaves, stems, and roots are often used to make extracts for medicines, but the plant can also be used in recipes like dips and side dishes. The plant offers plenty of health benefits for humans, including potentially regulating blood pressure and promoting liver

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Cereal bowl of cinnamon toast crunch

Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & FAQ

Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, but you may think it’s the best one, too. Whether you’re chowing down on pancakes, bacon, oatmeal, or eggs, it’s hard not to love this meal. However, what’s a dog owner to do when Fido is suddenly interested in what you’ve got on your

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