Ask the Vet

beagle dog lying on bed looking sick

High Cholesterol in Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatments

You’re reviewing your pup’s latest lab results from their annual exam, and you see a value flagged as abnormally high: cholesterol. What kind of problems can high cholesterol cause for your dog, and what can you do about it? What Is High Cholesterol in Dogs? High cholesterol is also called hypercholesterolemia, also referred to as […]

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Pregnant Chihuahua

How Long Are Chihuahuas Pregnant? Our Vet Explains Pregnancy & Care Guide

As the smallest of all the dog breeds, Chihuahuas undoubtedly also produce the smallest puppies. Does this also mean that they have shorter pregnancies than larger dogs? No. From the diminutive Chihuahua to the mighty Great Dane, the canine gestation period is approximately 63 days, give or take a day or two. Stick around for

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bacon grease in hot pan

My Dog Ate Grease: Our Vet Explains Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps

We’re all guilty of indulging in a greasy meal now and then, but we’re unlikely to lose control of ourselves and devour the contents of the grease tray. Our dogs, on the other hand, won’t hesitate to scarf down as much greasy goodness as they can. Although cooking grease is typically not toxic for your

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Open Airpod case on the grass

My Dog Swallowed an AirPod: Risks, Signs & Next Steps (Vet Answer)

If your naughty hound has swallowed an AirPod, you’re likely feeling two things: annoyed and worried. While we can’t help you out with the first one (that’s between you and your dog), we can hopefully put your mind at ease about the second. In most cases, AirPods will pass through your dog without incident, and

My Dog Swallowed an AirPod: Risks, Signs & Next Steps (Vet Answer) Read More »

owner giving a treat to her dog

Debunking Myths About CBD Pet Chews (Vet Answer)

One of the great ironies of modern medicine is watching clinicians (me included) who have considered alternative and ancient therapies to be less advanced, and therefore inferior, discover that there may be some therapeutic benefits to some of the alternative treatments we have been dismissing for so long. There are techniques that have been around

Debunking Myths About CBD Pet Chews (Vet Answer) Read More »

man giving flea and tick chewable medicine to a dog

How Often Should I Deworm My Dog? Our Vet Explains When, Timings & Schedule

Worms are common parasites that can infest a dog’s digestive system and, in the case of heartworms, even their blood vessels. Parasite prevention is an important part of keeping your dog healthy. Fortunately, there is a vast number of medications that are safe and effective in protecting your dog from worms. However, this variety of

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Dog ear infected by ear mites

Why Does My Dog Keep Getting Ear Infections? Our Vet Explains Causes & Care

Ear infections are among the most common reasons dogs visit the vet clinic1. While a normal dog could expect a couple of ear infections throughout their life, the frustration and costs will increase when your dog becomes a regular vet visitor due to their ear issues. If head shaking, red ears, and constant scratching have

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dachshund dog lying on owner's lap looking sick

How Do I Know if My Dog Is Dying or Just Sick? Our Vet Explains the 9 Signs to Look For

Our dogs are cherished members of our families, and it can be distressing when they end their time with us. You may need to know when it’s time to say goodbye to your furry friend, and it’s not always clear when that time is present. Let’s look at some of the changes your dog might

How Do I Know if My Dog Is Dying or Just Sick? Our Vet Explains the 9 Signs to Look For Read More »

a woman with her dog is having an online consultation with veterinarian

Can Online Vets Prescribe Antibiotics? Our Vet Explains the Legality, Costs & FAQ

You think your dog has an upper respiratory infection or skin infection, but your vet is booked out for several days. Do you take your vet to an emergency hospital, or can you get antibiotics prescribed through an online veterinarian? In most states, vets must examine your pet virtually before prescribing antibiotics. Some states make

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Young woman with cat and using laptop for video call meeting and telemedicine with veterinary from home

What States Allow Online Vet Prescriptions? Update for 2024

The online world has expanded so much that people can skip going to the office, the grocery store, or even the doctor’s office, respectively choosing to do work, buy food, and seek medical advice online instead. This convenience has even spread into veterinary medicine, with vet telehealth becoming quite popular among pet owners. While it

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a woman with her labrador retriever dog using a laptop

How to Get Vet Prescriptions Online: Our Vet Explains the 5 Steps & FAQ

There’s nothing easier than pulling out your phone, clicking a few buttons to order something, and having it show up on your doorstep within a couple of days. Nearly every retail company out there is offering this service, including pet pharmacies. So, rather than trying to squeeze a visit to the vet clinic into their

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vet cleaning anal glands of a dog

How to Remove Hard Poop From Dog Anus? Our Vet Explains the 4 Tips to Help

If you’ve got a long-haired dog, you might have experienced the joy of “dingleberries,” those little pieces of poop hanging from the hair around your dog’s butt. You know they’re not healthy, so what can you do for your dog with hard poop on their anus? Why Is It Important to Make Sure Your Dog’s

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uncooked sausages on a plate

Can Dogs Eat Vienna Sausages? Nutrition Facts & FAQ (Vet Answer)

Even if you aren’t sure what to do with them, Vienna sausages are a sensible canned pantry staple for almost anyone. Savvy home cooks know these tasty, versatile morsels can help out anywhere, bringing fun and flavor to breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and all the appetizers in between. Vienna sausages should stay on our plates and

Can Dogs Eat Vienna Sausages? Nutrition Facts & FAQ (Vet Answer) Read More »

dog at vet clinic about to undergo surgery

Can a Doctor Treat a Dog in an Emergency? Our Vet Explains Ethics & Legalities

When it comes to human health, we have doctors, dentists, radiographers, pharmacists, psychologists, physiotherapists, and many others with distinct degrees. Dogs, on the other hand, have veterinarians and veterinary support workers. While specializations exist in the veterinary field, almost everyone involved in your pup’s health can be considered a veterinary worker. Have you ever wondered

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seeds and castor oil on the wooden table

Castor Oil for Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Uses, Safety & Potential Risks

Castor oil is a natural substance that was used as far back as 4000 BC for medicinal purposes. It is an old remedy for constipation in dogs. Although it’s okay to use under explicit directions from your vet, we don’t recommend castor oil as a first-line treatment for any ailments. The risks of giving castor

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red and white pitbull

10 Common Pitbull Skin Issues & How to Treat Them (Vet Answer)

We think you’re so lucky to own a Pitbull! Unfortunately, these outgoing and loyal companions often struggle with skin problems. Is your Pitbull itchy? Do they have bald patches, also known as alopecia? Is their skin red and inflamed, indicating dermatitis? You’re not alone in your struggles. While listing every possible skin complaint in one

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dog licking its paw

Why Does My Dog Bite His Nails? 7 Reasons & Ideas to Redirect It (Vet Answer)

When you settle down to sleep or watch movies with your dog, there’s nothing worse than the sound of them obsessively going at their nails. If you want to fix the issue, you need to understand why they’re doing it in the first place. There are many possible reasons your pup could be biting their

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Keeshond dogs on lavender field

My Dog Ate Lavender Plant! What Should I Do? (Vet Answer)

Why is it that some dogs just cannot resist the urge to eat things they shouldn’t? A lot of the time, you don’t even realize that certain things could be considered appealing or edible by your naughty canine until they’re hanging out of your dog’s mouth! And by the time that happens, you find yourself

My Dog Ate Lavender Plant! What Should I Do? (Vet Answer) Read More »

Beagle dog looking alert on estrus cycle , reproductive system in dog on estrus cycle

Why Is My Dog’s Vagina Swollen? 5 Vet Explained Reasons & When to Worry

Your dog’s genital area seems bigger than it normally is, so you naturally wonder if it’s time to call the vet or if it’s something normal that will pass on its own. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why your dog’s vulva might become swollen. The 5 Possible Reasons Your Dog’s Vagina

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sick puppy in vet clinic

My Puppy Is Having Seizures – What’s Going On? (Vet Answer)

Witnessing a seizure episode in your puppy can be distressing and overwhelming. Seizures are caused by abnormal and uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain. They can last anywhere from 10 seconds to several minutes, though it often feels like longer than this in the moment. What causes seizures in puppies? And what should you do

My Puppy Is Having Seizures – What’s Going On? (Vet Answer) Read More »

young veterinarian woman examining teeth and mouth of cute lovely pomeranian dog at veterinary clinic

Rodent Ulcers in Dogs: Our Vet Explains Signs, Causes & Treatments

The term “rodent ulcer” sounds awful, doesn’t it? Thankfully, these ulcers have nothing to do with rats (or any rodent, for that matter). Additionally, they are neither life-threatening nor particularly uncomfortable, though they can be a bit of a nuisance. Rodent ulcers are red skin ulcers that typically appear on the lips and face of

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Can Cats Be Allergic to Dogs? Vet-Explained Info & How to Help

Allergies are among the most frustrating issues that veterinarians and pet owners deal with. It’s not enough that the signs are so uncomfortable, but the cause can also be difficult to determine, so treatment is usually subpar or elongated and expensive. The best treatment for an allergy that your pet has is to pinpoint and

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a woman with her labrador retriever dog using a laptop

Introducing PangoVet: Talk with a Veterinarian Online

Dogster is excited to announce the launch of our new vet telehealth service, PangoVet! The service is designed to give owners accessible and convenient pet care in their own homes through online video consultations with experienced veterinarians. With PangoVet, the aim is to help transform how owners manage their pets’ health and make professional veterinary

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veterinarian checking the ear of the dog with hematoma

Air Pocket in a Dog’s Ear: Signs, Causes, Care & FAQ (Vet Answer)

Dogs’ ears can become swollen or puffy seemingly overnight. It may look like your dog’s ear has become filled with air, sometimes described as looking like a pillow. However, usually the swelling of your dog’s ear is not an air pocket, but actually a pocket filled with fluid. These swellings are called ear hematomas or

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saint bernard dog lying down

9 Common St. Bernard Health Issues to Be Aware Of (Vet Answer)

Considered a giant breed of dog, St. Bernards can’t be overlooked. Since the early days of the Beethoven movies, St. Bernards have been a fan favorite. Originating in the Alps, St. Bernards were bred to be strong and hearty to aid in human rescues in the treacherous mountains. If you are considering adding a St.

9 Common St. Bernard Health Issues to Be Aware Of (Vet Answer) Read More »

vet checking dog genitals

Vaginitis in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Treatment Options (Vet Answer)

Vaginitis is a condition that all female dogs can experience in their lifetime. The underlying causes of vaginitis can be difficult to diagnose, and it may be challenging to recognize clinical signs associated with this condition. Intact and altered female dogs are susceptible to the development of vaginitis. Continue reading to learn more about vaginitis

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condom in red packaging

My Dog Swallowed a Condom: Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer)

If you’re missing a condom and suspect your dog has eaten it, don’t panic. Dogs will eat all sorts of harmless and dangerous things; thankfully, most cases of condom ingestion don’t result in any issues. Having said that, you might be left wondering a few things. Why do dogs eat condoms? And what are the

My Dog Swallowed a Condom: Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer) Read More »

medical treatment of sick husky dog in vet clinic

Can Dehydration Cause Seizures in Dogs? Our Vet Explains

How concerned should we be about dehydration in dogs? Can it cause neurological issues such as seizures? Thankfully, dehydration is an uncommon cause of seizures in dogs. The main situation in which vets observe dehydration and seizures together is heat stroke. However, in episodes of heat stroke, there are other severe internal or metabolic derangements

Can Dehydration Cause Seizures in Dogs? Our Vet Explains Read More »

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