Dog Training

belgian malinois K9 dog

Why Are Police Dogs Called K9? History & Facts

The history of using canines for police and military work goes back to the Romans using Neapolitan Mastiffs on the battlefield as “dogs of war.” However, police dogs are now an integral part of law enforcement, taking on the duties that they outperform humans in. Canines originally became our guardians and livestock herders through the […]

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woman training her young dog

4 Dog Training Rituals: Vet-Approved Tips to Help Your Pup Learn

Dogs thrive with routine and predictability in their life, which is why training rituals can be beneficial. Rituals are predictable for dogs because they are based on repetitions. Dogs like to know what to expect during training and what behaviors to show during different training events. Rituals can help establish a routine your dog is

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newfoundland dog walking in snow with owner

How to Train a Newfoundland Dog: 11 Vet-Recommended Tips

Newfoundlands are large dogs that can challenge even experienced dog owners due to their size and rapid growth rate. However, training these smart dogs is not difficult. If you are thinking about getting one of these dogs but are worried about training them, keep reading for several tips and tricks that you can use to

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Cute white puppy t the door

How to Stop Your Dog From Scratching the Door: 7 Vet-Approved Tips

Dogs scratching at doors is a common behavior, but it can ruin your once attractive and clean doors. Eventually, your doors will wear thin with repeated wear in one spot, not to mention the annoying sound of dog nails scraping. Dogs also run the risk of getting nail injuries from scratching, especially with interior wooden

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bichon frise puppy being trained with a dog treat

Dog Training Education Month 2024: What Is It & How to Celebrate

Being a dog parent is a rewarding but often tough job. There are numerous things that you need to do to keep your pet content. While you need to ensure that your canine gets a well-balanced diet, proper healthcare, and adequate exercise, one other thing should be on your to-do list: training your dog. However,

Dog Training Education Month 2024: What Is It & How to Celebrate Read More »


How to Potty Train a Chihuahua: 8 Vet-Approved Tips & Tricks

Potty training can be challenging for novice dog parents, but it shouldn’t be too overwhelming, and it mostly involves sticking to a schedule and giving your Chihuahua plenty of learning opportunities. When it comes to potty training, always remember to be consistent and persistent. So are Chihuahuas easy to potty train? In this guide, we’ll

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shiba inu dog standing in the grass

How to Potty Train Your Shiba Inu: 15 Vet Approved Steps & Tips

Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting and heartwarming experience, but potty training can sometimes feel like a daunting task, even for highly intelligent dogs such as the Shiba Inu. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through 15 easy steps to successfully potty train your adorable Shiba Inu. These intelligent and

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Soldier with military dog outdoors

Tips For Training a Psychiatric Service Dog (8 Important Factors)

Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSDs) are specially trained dogs that help to assist their handlers with at least one task. They are different from emotional support animals in that they are granted public access. PSDs are extremely invaluable dogs that assist people with mental illnesses in numerous ways. Some of the things they can be trained

Tips For Training a Psychiatric Service Dog (8 Important Factors) Read More »

woman playing fetch with dalmatian dog

8 Confidence-Building Games for Dogs: Vet-Approved Activities

If you’ve noticed your dog becoming anxious around other people, sticking close by you wherever you go, or becoming uncomfortable in certain situations, you might wonder if they’re not as confident as they could be. A lack of confidence in dogs is more common than you might think; some breeds are naturally more confident (like

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blue fawn french bulldog puppy lying on grass

How to Potty Train a French Bulldog: 8 Vet Approved Tips & Tricks

Small dogs are notoriously hard to potty train. Potty training a French Bulldog can seem daunting, but with patience, consistency, and the right approach, it can be a smooth process. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step plan to successfully potty train your French Bulldog. The 8 Tips to Potty Train a French Bulldog

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Dog not wanting to go for a walk

My Dog Doesn’t Want to Go Outside: 5 Vet-Verified Possible Reasons

Most dogs love going outside. However, when your furry friend suddenly avoids the outdoors, you may have reason to worry. Often, dogs have a reason to avoid going outside, even when it may not seem like it to us. Of course, avoiding the outdoors altogether isn’t usually possible for our dogs. Not only do they

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german shepherd puppy dog sitting on the grass

How to Potty Train a German Shepherd Puppy: 7 Vet-Approved Tips & Tricks

Bringing home a German Shepherd puppy is exciting! These dogs are among the smartest dogs on the planet, ranking third overall in obedience and work intelligence, but they still need your training and guidance to be well-behaved and house-trained, which is where potty training comes in. Even though they are smart, they still need to

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Two dogs sledding with a woman

How to Train a Sled Dog: 12 Vet-Approved Tips & Equipment Essentials

If you’ve ever been captivated by the fascinating world of sled dog racing, then you’ve probably wondered what it takes to train these incredible animals. Well, look no further as we unveil the secrets to mastering the art of sled dog training. In this article, we’ll equip you with some essential tips that’ll help you

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german shepherd dog training

15 Key Herding Dog Commands: Essential Verbal Cues

Herding dogs are instinctive and thus have fantastic herding abilities. While they are excellent working dogs, many people also keep them as companions. If you’ve decided to give a herding dog a forever home, it’s important to note that even with their instinctive herding abilities, you still need to train your dog and make sure

15 Key Herding Dog Commands: Essential Verbal Cues Read More »

dog owner and akita dog outdoors

How to Train an Akita: 7 Vet-Approved Tips

Akitas are notoriously challenging to train. However, that doesn’t mean they’re completely untrainable. It just takes a bit more time and skill to teach them to behave. As protective canines, Akitas can become reactive and overprotective if not trained and socialized properly. Therefore, while this breed may be challenging to work with during training, they

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