Patricia Dickson

Patricia is an experienced pet writer and lifelong animal lover. When she isn’t writing, Patricia enjoys spending time with her pets, cats Binx and Link and dog Mystery. Mystery and Link have been with her since birth. Binx was found under her house as a kitten and promptly welcomed into the family. Patricia enjoys volunteering at her local rescue shelter and sharing her extensive knowledge of pets.

maltese dog riding in the car

Why Does My Dog Drool in the Car? 4 Reasons for This Behavior

While most dogs look forward to riding in the car, some get sick when they do, to the point of drooling and vomiting. However, motion sickness isn’t the only reason dogs drool in the car. Excessive drooling is called ptyalism, and there are a few reasons that it could be happening. If you’re concerned about […]

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German Shepherd dog enjoying the lake adventures

Are German Shepherds Good With Kids? Considerations & Safety Tips

German Shepherds have had a reputation as dogs that are not the best choice for a pet around children. Many people wonder if claims of such a reputation are true or a stereotype. Unfortunately, many statistical studies involving dog bites in children have cited German Shepherds as a high-risk breed, which means that they aren’t

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How Much Do Pomeranians Shed? Vet-Verified Facts & Care Tips

Pomeranians are little dogs that are famous for having fluffy, thick coats. They also make great lap dogs and have friendly, energetic personalities. Pomeranians shed between two to three times a year seasonally and periodically throughout the year, making them a poor choice for pet owners who have pet allergies. The Pomeranian is also a

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Alaskan Malamute in the snow

National Alaskan Malamute Day 2024: What Is It & How to Celebrate

National Alaskan Malamute Day for this year has passed, but it’s celebrated every January 7th. As you may know, this day is held to honor the Alaskan Malamute breed. Alaskan Malamutes were famous for their strength, endurance, and loyalty. They were bred in Alaska to be sled dogs, and they helped the Inuit people with

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portrait of a Cute brown toy poodle with his young woman owner at home

National Poodle Day 2024: When It Is & How You Can Celebrate

Whether they’re a toy, miniature, or standard Poodle, there are very few pet owners, or even non-pet owners, who don’t know how gorgeous, loving, and intelligent a Poodle is. However, many pet owners don’t realize that there is a National Poodle Day. National Poodle Day is held on October 7, so make sure you mark

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Miniature Schnauzer

How Much Does It Cost to Own a Miniature Schnauzer? 2024 Price Guide

If you have your heart set on a Miniature Schnauzer, you need to know exactly how much it will cost to purchase your pet and how much it’ll cost to take care of. When purchasing a Miniature Schnauzer, you must consider more than just the price. There are one-time costs that include supplies for your

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close up brown dalmatian at the park

Brown Dalmatian (Liver Dalmatian): Info, Pictures, Origin & More

Dalmatians are lovable, loyal dogs that have quite a storied history. You may have seen one of these dependable pets in your local fire station, or if you haven’t, you’ve seen them on TV and in movies. Most pet owners don’t realize there are more color options for Dalmatians than just the normal black-and-white variety

Brown Dalmatian (Liver Dalmatian): Info, Pictures, Origin & More Read More »

Mini Goldendoodle puppy dog ​​walks outdoors on a green lawn

Is a Mini Goldendoodle Hypoallergenic? Vet-Approved Facts & Care Tips

If you’ve been looking into giving a Mini Goldendoodle a forever home but have dog allergies, you might wonder if the dog is hypoallergenic. Although no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, some breeds shed less dander and are better pets for those with mild to moderate allergies. The Mini Goldendoodle is a cross between the Poodle

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miniature schnauzer dog sitting on grass at the park

How Much Do Miniature Schnauzers Shed? Coat Types, Tips & FAQ

If you’re searching for a dog to give a forever home, you might be considering the Miniature Schnauzer. These adorable dogs weigh between 10 and 20 pounds and grow 12 to 14 inches tall. One of the biggest questions on many potential pet owners’ minds, especially if you’re scared that you’re allergic to pet dander,

How Much Do Miniature Schnauzers Shed? Coat Types, Tips & FAQ Read More »

Boston Terrier vs French Bulldog

Boston Terrier vs. French Bulldog: The Main Differences (With Pictures)

The Boston Terrier and French Bulldog are beloved canines that make excellent pets. Although their origins are distinct, they have several similarities that can make it challenging to decide which breed to adopt. They are both affectionate, adorable dogs that can adapt to living in a small apartment or large family home, but they also

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akita dog standing at the park

How Long Do Akitas Live? Vet Reviewed Average Lifespan, Data & Care

The Akita originated in Japan and is a gorgeous, muscular canine. They were originally bred to protect their owners and hunt big game. You can expect an Akita to weigh between 70 and 130 pounds at full growth and top out at 24 to 28 inches in height. Akitas make loyal, loving companions, but they

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german shepherd dog training

15 Key Herding Dog Commands: Essential Verbal Cues

Herding dogs are instinctive and thus have fantastic herding abilities. While they are excellent working dogs, many people also keep them as companions. If you’ve decided to give a herding dog a forever home, it’s important to note that even with their instinctive herding abilities, you still need to train your dog and make sure

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Boston Terrier

6 Amazing Boston Terrier Colors (With Pictures)

The Boston Terrier is a popular dog that makes a great companion. They originated in Boston, Massachusetts, and have been given quite the distinguished nickname of “the American Gentleman,” which refers to the pattern and colors that make them look like they’re wearing a tuxedo. This leads people to think that Boston Terriers only come

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Rhodesian Ridgeback vs. Vizsla

Rhodesian Ridgeback vs. Vizsla: Main Differences (With Pictures)

The Vizsla and Rhodesian Ridgeback breeds are short-haired dogs that are gorgeous, loyal, and intelligent. They were bred for hunting and endurance, and they make great companions and running partners for active owners. Although the dogs have quite a few similarities, they also have several differences. If you’ve been thinking of adopting one of these

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rhodesian ridgeback dog running on the meadow

How Fast Can Rhodesian Ridgebacks Run? Facts & Comparison Chart

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known for being patient, loyal, and loving and make great watchdogs. They’re also known for being fast canines, but just how fast? Rhodesian Ridgebacks can run 30 miles per hour (mph), which is a bit slower than Greyhounds. They can run up to 45 mph. While that’s much slower than the Cheetah,

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girl playing with rhodesian ridgeback dog in the field

Are Rhodesian Ridgebacks Good with Kids? History, Tips & FAQ

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are loyal, intelligent, and loving. They also make good companions and excellent watchdogs. However, when looking for a dog that makes a great pet for a child, you may be concerned that the Ridgeback isn’t the ideal pet. Is this a good breed for children? The answer to this question is more complicated

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How to Train a Rhodesian Ridgeback: 8 Tips & Expert Guide

If you’ve ever been introduced to a Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog, you know they are intelligent, loyal, loving, and majestic. However, they are also known for their stubbornness and willful ways, making them quite challenging to train. Though the dog can be obstinate and want its own way, it is possible to train the Rhodesian Ridgeback

How to Train a Rhodesian Ridgeback: 8 Tips & Expert Guide Read More »

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