Dr. Samantha Devine DVM (Veterinarian)

Dr. Samantha Devine is a practicing veterinarian who enjoys caring for animals and sharing her knowledge with pet owners. Preventative care, ranging from nutrition to vaccination, is her specialty and passion! With over 12 years of veterinary experience, Dr. Devine has extensive knowledge to share about small animal medicine, horses, aquatic species, and even zoo animals. She has also been writing for online pet sites for most of that time.

beagle dog lying on bed looking sick

High Cholesterol in Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatments

You’re reviewing your pup’s latest lab results from their annual exam, and you see a value flagged as abnormally high: cholesterol. What kind of problems can high cholesterol cause for your dog, and what can you do about it? What Is High Cholesterol in Dogs? High cholesterol is also called hypercholesterolemia, also referred to as […]

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dachshund dog lying on owner's lap looking sick

How Do I Know if My Dog Is Dying or Just Sick? Our Vet Explains the 9 Signs to Look For

Our dogs are cherished members of our families, and it can be distressing when they end their time with us. You may need to know when it’s time to say goodbye to your furry friend, and it’s not always clear when that time is present. Let’s look at some of the changes your dog might

How Do I Know if My Dog Is Dying or Just Sick? Our Vet Explains the 9 Signs to Look For Read More »

a woman with her dog is having an online consultation with veterinarian

Can Online Vets Prescribe Antibiotics? Our Vet Explains the Legality, Costs & FAQ

You think your dog has an upper respiratory infection or skin infection, but your vet is booked out for several days. Do you take your vet to an emergency hospital, or can you get antibiotics prescribed through an online veterinarian? In most states, vets must examine your pet virtually before prescribing antibiotics. Some states make

Can Online Vets Prescribe Antibiotics? Our Vet Explains the Legality, Costs & FAQ Read More »

vet cleaning anal glands of a dog

How to Remove Hard Poop From Dog Anus? Our Vet Explains the 4 Tips to Help

If you’ve got a long-haired dog, you might have experienced the joy of “dingleberries,” those little pieces of poop hanging from the hair around your dog’s butt. You know they’re not healthy, so what can you do for your dog with hard poop on their anus? Why Is It Important to Make Sure Your Dog’s

How to Remove Hard Poop From Dog Anus? Our Vet Explains the 4 Tips to Help Read More »

Beagle dog looking alert on estrus cycle , reproductive system in dog on estrus cycle

Why Is My Dog’s Vagina Swollen? 5 Vet Explained Reasons & When to Worry

Your dog’s genital area seems bigger than it normally is, so you naturally wonder if it’s time to call the vet or if it’s something normal that will pass on its own. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why your dog’s vulva might become swollen. The 5 Possible Reasons Your Dog’s Vagina

Why Is My Dog’s Vagina Swollen? 5 Vet Explained Reasons & When to Worry Read More »

sick male beagle dog lying on the sofa

Hyperthyroidism in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Management (Vet Answer)

Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in cats, but what about in dogs? Not so much. What does it mean if your veterinarian tells you your dog is hyperthyroid? Let’s explore this uncommon condition. What Is Hyperthyroidism? The thyroid gland in the neck produces hormones that help regulate metabolism and other essential functions. With hyperthyroidism, your

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Dogs: Our Vet Explains Signs, Causes & Treatment

You’re probably familiar with carbon monoxide poisoning in people, but did you know it’s something you need to be concerned about for your pets? Our dogs are just as susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide as we are. It can cause serious consequences, including death. What Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Dogs? Carbon monoxide

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The dog sits near a bowl of food and licks his tongue, dry food and fresh vegetables and fruits

What Is Customized Dog Food? Our Vet Explains How It Can Help Your Pup’s Health

You want what’s best for your dog, and you’ve probably seen some home-delivery meal service-type companies for dog food. You might have even tried one (or three!) for your family, so why not for your furry family member? Can customized dog food keep your dog healthier than kibble? Customized dog food is specially made for

What Is Customized Dog Food? Our Vet Explains How It Can Help Your Pup’s Health Read More »

owner gives dog a belly rub

How to Massage Gas Out of a Dog: 4 Vet Recommended Techniques

You can hear your poor pup’s tummy rumbling, which sounds uncomfortable. Your dog is restless and stretching. What can you do to help your dog feel a bit more comfortable? In some cases, a bit of massage will help your dog. Causes of Gas in Dogs Flatulence in dogs is most often caused by the

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dog anesthesia lying and drip on the bed

Are There Side Effects of Anesthesia in Dogs? Our Vet Explains Care Tips & FAQ

Our dogs are important members of our families, and it’s perfectly normal to be worried if your veterinarian suggests anesthesia for your furry family member. Maybe they need dental cleaning, or you’ve noticed a small lump that needs to be removed. Should you worry about the anesthesia? What are the side effects of anesthesia in

Are There Side Effects of Anesthesia in Dogs? Our Vet Explains Care Tips & FAQ Read More »

Scooting Chihuahua rod butt

Home Remedies for Dog Scooting: Vet Explained Reasons & Helpful Tips

Your dog is dragging their back end across the carpet. It’s a bit gross and also frustrating. What is causing your dog to scoot, and can you do anything to help your pup? Let’s go over why your dog is scooting and what you can do to help. Why Is My Dog Scooting? Unfortunately, there

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Dalmatian dog eating dry food from a bowl

10 Best Dog Food for Skin Allergies in 2024 – Vet-Recommended Reviews & Top Picks

You’ve got an itchy dog, and one of the first steps you consider is about their diet. Dogs can be allergic to certain food items or might just have sensitive skin so it might be a good idea to switch what they are eating to something that could help with their skin allergies. What diets

10 Best Dog Food for Skin Allergies in 2024 – Vet-Recommended Reviews & Top Picks Read More »

small dog with generalized demodectic mange

How Do Dogs Get Mange? Our Vet Explains Causes, Signs & Treatment

You notice bald spots on your dog, and you’re not sure if he’s been itching more than normal. You mention your concern with your vet, and the doctor mentions mange. You’ve heard the term bandied about over the years, but what exactly is this skin condition? What Is Mange? You might have heard the term

How Do Dogs Get Mange? Our Vet Explains Causes, Signs & Treatment Read More »

Dog vomit in the living room on the floor

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam? Our Vet Discusses 7 Possible Reasons

Yuck! You turn around at the sound and discover your dog has thrown up white foam on your carpet. Forget about the mess; what could have caused your dog to throw up? Let’s take a look at some of the potential reasons why your dog is throwing up white foam. The 7 Possible Reasons Your

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam? Our Vet Discusses 7 Possible Reasons Read More »

dachshund dog in wheel chair on walkway

Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Diagnosis (Vet Answer)

Your dog’s back is painful, or they suddenly have trouble getting around. You know that Dachshunds are predisposed to back problems. Is that what’s going on with your pup? Let’s take a look at Intervertebral disc disease and what it means for your dog. What Is Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs? Intervertebral disc disease is

Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Diagnosis (Vet Answer) Read More »

My Dog Ate Hand Sanitizer

My Dog Ate Hand Sanitizer: Our Vet Explains What to Do

Oh, no! You just entered the room and discovered your silly pup got into your tote bag. They chewed up everything, including a bottle of hand sanitizer. Should you worry about it? Hand Sanitizer: What You Need to Know Hand sanitizer is potentially toxic to dogs, depending on how much they consume. The main ingredient

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A veterinarian examines a chihuahua puppy_

Evans Syndrome In Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatments (Vet Answer)

Your dog was weak and collapsed at home, so you raced them to the veterinarian’s office. After extensive tests, your veterinarian tells you your dog has Evan’s syndrome. What is this uncommon condition, and what does it mean for your dog? What Is Evan’s Syndrome in Dogs? Evan’s syndrome is an autoimmune condition characterized by

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Loving young asian woman petting and feeding her cute long-coat jack russel terrier puppy

Elimination Diet for Dogs: What Is It & When Should It Be Used (Vet Answer)

Your dog itches constantly. You wake up every night hearing your pup gnaw on his paws. You’ve heard of food allergies, so you swap the food around to no avail. You bring this concern up at your next veterinary appointment to your veterinarian. They suggest an elimination diet trial. What is that? Here’s what you

Elimination Diet for Dogs: What Is It & When Should It Be Used (Vet Answer) Read More »

labrador retriever dog coughing in the park

Why Is My Dog Dry Heaving? 5 Common Reasons & What to Do (Vet Answer)

Your dog is heaving at the foot of your bed, and you’re not sure why. Contacting your veterinarian is essential because some of the possible reasons can be dangerous to leave untreated. Let’s look at why your dog might be dry heaving. What Is Dry Heaving in Dogs? You may already know what dry heaving

Why Is My Dog Dry Heaving? 5 Common Reasons & What to Do (Vet Answer) Read More »

Closeup of infected mites and fleas on a dog's fur sucking blood

Are Home Remedies Effective for Fleas on Dogs? Our Vet Explains

If you’re fighting a battle against fleas (because, let’s face it, a battle is what it might feel like), you’re probably wondering what you can do to help your dog. A quick online search yields mixed results. Should you try treating fleas at home? What home remedy will kill fleas on my dog and is

Are Home Remedies Effective for Fleas on Dogs? Our Vet Explains Read More »

The sleeping dog's nose has a runny nose

Why Is My Dog’s Nose Running? Vet-Explained Causes & How to Stop It

You’ve been sneezing, and now you’ve noticed your dog has a runny nose. What caused his runny nose, and should you worry? What can be done to treat a runny nose in dogs? Let’s go over the possible causes and what can be done about your dog’s runny nose. The 9 Possible Causes of a

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dog scratching its body

Ehrlichiosis in Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatment

It’s time to talk about ticks! Is your dog on a reliable flea and tick prevention product? We worry about tick-associated illnesses because they can be devastating and usually preventable. Let’s look at ehrlichiosis and what this tick-borne disease could mean for your dog. What Is Ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is an illness caused by a type

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